She gasps. Her eyes are filled up with tears. She smiles with much joy. "Oh look so gorgeous. You remind me when I was younger marrying my husband. I had the same exact look."

"Oh mom!" Bahiya says, while giving Kiara a hug. She cries too.

"Bahiya don't cry! Save the tears for later, you'll mess up your beautiful look." Said her mother, Tiifu.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." Bahiya chuckles.

Bahiya is wearing a beautiful white lily flower by her left ear and a lei (garland) around her neck.

"Is it time yet, Kiara?" Tiifu asks.

Kiara shrugs, "I don't know. I didn't get a single from Kovu or Amwa yet. I guess we can wait in here for a bit. The animals are already outside waiting. They're singing!"

Bahiya laughs. "Oh boy."

Tiifu head buds her daughter. "I am so proud of you. You are growing up into a good, respectful, beautiful young lady. Im sure Nala would be so proud of you if she was here to witness the ceremony."

"Yes, my mother would." Kiara smiles, in agreement.

"Queen Kiara?" A voice calls.

It is Amwa Rafiki's daughter standing outside of the cave. Kiara jogged outside. It could be the signal that it is time to start the wedding.

"Yes, Amwa?"

"It is time." Amwa smiles, excitedly. "Everything is set and your son is ready to see his bride!"

Kiara gave Amwa a big hug. "Thank you so much for all of your hard work and being able to attend the ceremony . I will let the lionesses know now!"

"No reason to thank me my Queen and okay!"

While behind Pride Rock...

"Don't worry Makosa, everything is going to be okay. I am going to stand right here beside you. Bahiya will be on her way now. Your mother and Tiifu will walk her down the isle." Said Kovu, while patting Makosa's shoulder.

Makosa gave his father a reassuring smile. He is also wearing a Lei (garland) around his neck.

The lionesses and other Pride members are walking behind Pride Rock now and sat in there assigned seats as practiced.

"That's my nephew!" Kion shouted. He is Makosa's uncle, Kiara's brother, and the current lion guard leader.

Makosa rolled his eyes with laughter while Kovu shook his head.

"Here she comes!" Said Maha. She is Kiara and Kion's sister and also Makosa's aunt. She turns around.

Bahiya makes her entrance with Queen Kiara on her right and her mother Tiifu on her left. They slowly walk down the isle. Everyone gazed at Bahiya with awe.

"Wow..." Makosa comments. He was left speechless.

Bahiya blushes a deep red and smiles shyly at everyone as they all stand bowing their heads.

The Lion King: Now or NeverWhere stories live. Discover now