Chapter 10-Chocolate is my babe who's yours??

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Taylor POV

I was chilling eating Chocolate in my PJ's watching Quantico season one when I was rudely interrupted by some aliens ha ha ha just kidding it was the crew coming in like a wreaking bar.. Lol.. I think I'm high on chocolate ..Anywhos going back to the present..

"Hola Chica ",the girls said while sitting on the couch like ladies while on the other hand the boys face planted on the couch and said

"Hey Tay",except you know who..

"Hey Mami looking good",Liam said ..

"Hey papì not happening",I said in replied.

"Ouch that hurt ",Liam said with mock hurt I just roll my eyes.

"What are you guys doing here?",I asked.

"To tell you the truth I don't know",replied Wakeen and I just shurg and replied.

"Okay ",and go back eating my sweet goodness.

"What did I tell you about eating so much chocolate?? ",asked Olivia .

"Taylor you must cut down on the chocolate cause when you eat a whole lot you get high and then you get a chocolate hang over",I said standing up and mimicking how she talks with a hand on my hips.

"I don't sound like that ", Olivia said with a huff and pout mean while I stuck my tongue at her and giggled and replied.

"Your just jelly that chocolate is my babe but who is yours??".

"I'm right here", Wakeen replied an earn himself some smack on the back of his head.. "Ow ouch what that for",he asked.

"Nothing hun",replied Livi and she went into her purse and took out a snicker and started munching on it.

"I thought you said too much chocolate isn't good",I said.

"It's only one and beside chocolate is ma babe too",Livi said with a cheeky smile and wink.

Hola peeps sorry for the late updates on my books...

Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

You know the drill





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