Chapter 3-A normal conversation with Mr Badboy

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Taylor POV

I sat in the seat in the coffee shop drinking my coffee looking through the window and enjoying the quietness, when I felt eyes on me, I turn around and I was met with ocean blue grey eyes that could Pierce into your soul, and if you guess who they belong to you deserve a big chocolate bar.

"Liam",I said.

"Hey what's up",he asked.

"The sky, you??",I said

"The clouds",he answered and I giggled at that.

"So where's your bro's",I asked.

"They said something about wooing there queen like a mature man",Liam respond,I can't believe that he doesn't realize that they we're talking about him.

"Well they better have a clever plan cause Oiliva and Hadley is a tough nut to crack",I said

"What do you mean by Oiliva and Hadley?? ", he said with a adorable confuse look, sorry I mean a confuse look.

"You are as lost as Alice in wonderland".

"What??",he said, I can't believe such a hot Greek Adonis is a total idiot, damn did I say hot, Oh ,my mind got it bad.

"They are totally in love with my bestie",I said.

"Oh", he said with little pink tinted his cheeks, Oh my gosh the bad boy is blushing, but why??

"So are you Italian, I notice your accent",I asked, because that voice does things to me.

"Yep,but I can do other things with my voice",he said in a seductive tone with his Italian voice melting in with it.

Oh my, is it hot in here or what??
Damn his voice had just turn me on, I think I need to go to and get a cookie dough ice cream. Yes that's a good idea maybe it will cool down the heat..........






Love you all.

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