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"You can stay here anytime, sweety. This room will be yours if you change your mind." Jungkook's mom gives me warm smile before patting my head softly, it's like she's praying for me to have good dreams only and leave the bad dreams behind.

I smile back at her concerned eyes, "I'll be fine, auntie."

"You can just call me mom."

"I'll try." I awkwardly answered back.

I expect her to walk out after her pats but she kept sitting beside my bed with a sorrowful face. I couldn't let her go if she shows such a face towards me, I sit up quickly and hold her hand. "What's wrong, auntie?"

My eyes turn wider when her tears fall nonstop on my hand, "Y-you're crying?" I started to panic; all she ever did was be nice to me. What did I do to make her cry like this? Am I a nuisance to everyone?

My dark thoughts are blocked by her pure tight hug. My breath was taken away at how tight and warm her hug feels like. Is this the feeling of love?

"I can't believe they could do such things to a young lady like you?"

"W-who are you talking about?" I politely ask even though I already have a feeling who she's talking about and who's the whistleblower for my own secret.

"Jungkook told me what happen to you and I open my arms for you if you want someone to support you. I will do anything to help you since you're jungkook's precious girl." Her tears won't stop rolling down her beautiful face, she touches my bruises with so much care and sobbed even harder.

It's like she could feel the pain I felt over those countless punches.

"Jungkook don't usually talk about his life..." She calms down and stares at the small family portrait of their family. "Ever since his father left us to heaven, he couldn't open himself to say anything. He said he felt awful and he doesn't deserve to live because he couldn't save his father that day."

My mouth gaps open at the dark secret jungkook never told me. I knew his mom is a single mother but I never thought there would be a deeper secret of his family.

"I-I'm sorry for your lost." That is all I could say, I couldn't hug her, even though I want to. I couldn't cry with her, even though I want to. I want to relate to her pain, even though I wanted to die.

"It's okay now because jungkook is back home again."

"What do you mean by that?"

She suddenly chuckles and walks to a drawer and pulls out a brown leather box. She hands me the box but I don't know if I'm allowed to touch this expensive box. "Open it." She encourages me to hold it and when I did, I open the box to only burst into tears.

I could only cry if it's because of jungkook.

"One day, he suddenly runs back home with his tiny feet into my arm and yells happily that he found his wife." She starts to laugh as she recall the memories and I couldn't help but laugh with her too.

"Wife? What a joke." I jokingly said while I run my hands in the box and found it.

"What the heck?" My eyes sting more when the red ribbon from our childhood memory rush backs to me. "Why did you keep it stupid?" I whisper the question for jungkook but his mom heard it and answer it for him.

"That's his precious girl's treasure. How could he throw it away?"

I glance at her and smiled painfully when I remembered how he only sees me as his friend, "I could never be his precious girl."

"Why can't you be my precious girl?" Both of us look shocked, seeing jungkook's leaning form the door frame. He raises an eyebrow at me, waiting for an answer but my tongue is twisted into a knot.

Jungkook's mom notices the atmosphere and excuses herself quickly. In a second, jungkook already took his mom's place and sit on the same bed as I am. My ears are burning hot when he smiles cutely towards my confused face.

"Are you a stalker? Why do you have an album of me in this box?" I showed him the full album. I don't know what to say other than be angry over this stupid album even though I'm more embarrassed than angry at it.

He sigh heavily before landing his head on my lap, my hands went up quickly avoiding myself to touch his hair, "It was supposed to be a secret diary but I got busted by my mom." He chuckles.

"Should've picked a more unsuspicious box if you're going for a secret box."

I kept fidgeting with the photos in the album and I laugh at the photo of me scaring some girls away from jungkook's house. They were sleeping in a tent outside his house, which was so scary and I did what I had to cause jungkook was getting more and more scared by each day.

"But your photos need to be treated with the most expensive box cause you're an expensive girl."

What are you trying to do, jungkook?


-To Be Continue-

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𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 - 𝐉𝐉𝐊 √ (Rewritten)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum