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I lean my body flat on the closed door and glare at jungkook's irritated face. I know, I know, my choice is not the best for me but it's better than to live under the same roof as your heartbroken crush. I don't need to add more problems to my messy mind. I know it would be in the nick of time when jungkook notice my feelings for him.

"Are you crazy?!" I whispered yell at him and jungkook charge his long legs towards me and trap me between him and the door.

"You're asking this question to the sane one here? When you should've asked it to the insane one here?" I scoff when he burned me with his words. I wanted to hit his face but he holds both of my hands and lock them on top of my head.

My eyes widen when he closes the gap between us. Whispering down to my ear, "Or let me do the honor to ask." He stops for a deep breath before yelling right beside my ear, "Are you crazy y/n?!"

I freed my hand from his grip and smack his head hard. "I'm not rich jungkook! I can't afford to pay my hospital bills if you keep torturing me like this!"

"I'm not torturing you! I'm just interrogating you." He tries to defend himself but I kept on hitting his head, forcing him to walk backward with every hit.

Finally, I can breathe peacefully.

I thought my heart was going to burst like a water fountain when he stands close to me. "Anyways, you can't tell your mother and I will not live together with you. End of discussion."

"It'll be free food and free shelter though." Jungkook tries to bribe with free things and I almost fall for it but I remember, I don't deserve this warm place and I truly don't deserve to stand under the same level as this family is.

"I said end of discussion, jungkook. Didn't you hear me?" I wrap my arms around my chest but the fresh bruise is killing me. I wince from the pain and it made him quickly washes his annoyed face out and run up to me to help me sit on the nearest chair.

He kneeled in front of me and hold my cold hands together, "I did hear you but I choose to ignore it until you say yes to my offer."

"You're not listening..." Jungkook cut my words and close my eyes using his hand. My mouth hangs open as I anxiously wait for what he's going to do or say.

What kind of action is this?

Why does he need to cover my eyes if he wants to talk?

My heart stops when I feel him moving maybe he's standing by his knees (?) And he's putting his left hand on the armrest. I can feel his body heat slowly embracing me, he moves slowly closer and closer to where I am and my heart couldn't handle the intense feeling of excitement.

My lips opens to ask what's wrong but they couldn't move cause his fingers lightly tap them before sliding until the corner of my lips.

Pulling off quickly, I could hear him cursing to himself.

"I really want to protect you." Jungkook whispers. The silent room makes it harder for me to un-hear his shaky voice.

I couldn't guess what he's doing but before I could think he pull his hand off my eyes, letting me see his red face. Pushing back his bangs, looking troubled, his eyes couldn't focus on one place, as if he looks like he's nervous over something.

Is it because of me?

His trembling hand reach out to cup my cheek, my eyes couldn't stop remembering every blood vessel on his cheeks, reddening them so bright until I couldn't help but trace them with my own touch.

"Why do you want to protect me so bad?"

He stares at me with no words and I smile painfully when he said, "Because you're my friend, y/n."





It's the endless loop of friend zone in my love life.

"Thank you."


-To Be Continue-

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𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 - 𝐉𝐉𝐊 √ (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now