Heart Beats Fast

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I arrived home at around 9:30 pm, medyo nagkatuwaaan pa kasi kami nila Maddie and Therese, I smiled and thought

Mababait naman pala ang ka batch ko

When I went inside the house, I found mom and dad at the living room watching TV…

“Hi,” I greeted them, kissing them both on the cheeks, and sitting on the sofa beside them.

“Hi hon, how was practice?” my mom asked, “Did you have your dinner na?”

Yes po, tapos na mom,” I answered beaming at her, “I didn’t actually join the practice yet mom. We were just there to observe and get to know the team…” and I saw her nodding.

“And?” she asked, waiting for me to continue.

“Well, I think they're good naman po, everyone was friendly, especially their captain,” I thought back to the meeting

“She was very accommodating Mom, she even told us to call her ate Ly nalang, I mean, she’s the ALYSSA VALDEZ, THE PHENOM, one of the most admired player in women’s volleyball in the country!” I answered her excitedly, with a big smile on my face.

Well someones really happy…” she said laughing playfully, sensing how excited I was.

“So have you made up your mind yet on what school you want to enroll to and play for?” this time si Dad ang nagtanong.

“Uhm,” I know I told the team kanina na may parents were still talking to the La Salle coaches, but it was actually me who has not decided yet. They gave me the freedom to choose which school I wanted.

“Im sorry dad, I haven’t decided yet.” I answered him silently, looking at the floor “but I promise I will soon okay?”

“Hmmmm” he said as an answer, and went back to watching his program. That’s my dad, always the man with the few words.

Sensing that he wasn’t convinced, I immediately said “This Friday dad okay? I promise I will have an answer by then.”

And he just looked at me and smiled, so I stood and wished them both goodnight and climbed the stairs to my room.

After washing up, I immediately lied down on my bed and thought about  the whole day.

I received a text from Coach Parley saying that the other 2 rookies were going to see the team on their evening practice and that I should join them.

For the whole summer, I’ve been to the practice of La Salle a couple of times so I thought why not check out the other team.

So I went to the BEG with not much expectation, but was very excited to meet Alyssa Valdez, she’s always been my idol eh. When I arrived, Maddie, Therese and Coach were already in the dugout watching the team practice so I joined them.

At first I was only focused at ate Ly playing, because she’s really good, the way she played was fascinating, you could just sense the passion, but eventually their setter caught my attention.

No. 12, hmmmm I thought 

Ang ganda niya.

She has this great smile which brightens up the room, and nawawala ang mata niya when she does,

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