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I ran across town and into the woods, where I would hidden from any wandering eyes.
I walked for a while, I was going to change myself so much that no one would recognize me.
Once I was deep in the woods, surrounded by shrubbery and trees I finally felt at peace.
The woodland creatures wouldn't judge me for my reputation and silly rumors.

Now that I'm alone, I can do what I've been waiting for, for so long.

Lucy Heartfilia would be going missing.
She was going to disappear off the face of Fiore.

I grabbed my celestial keys from my hip.
"Open! Gate of the Maiden, Virgo!" I shouted, summoning Virgo to my side.
She appeared in shroud of glitter, handcuffs dangling from her arm. 

"Punishment time, princess?" She asked, blushing slightly. I stared at her, my face deadpanned.

..Why must my celestial spirits be such perverts?

"No thanks. Can you go empty out my apartment, and take my furniture to the place we talked about? If you can, rough it up a bit. Leave some scratches on the wall or something, make it look like I left in a hurry." I requested, smiling sadly. We'd discussed this plan many times before. Virgo was as ready as I am.
When all my human friends failed me, I at least had my celestial spirits.

"Right away, princess!" She said, disappearing.
If my guild went there, I'd want them to see all my stuff gone and think I had already fled. If it looked messy, they'd assume I rushed and did this. If it seemed rushed, they might search the town itself longer.

I need all the extra time I can get. I wouldn't put it past them to start a search party.

~Time Skip~

I fell to my knees, I had walked many miles by now. I had reached a small magic shop, one I had never saw before.
It was near the city, but still slightly hidden.  I was far, far away from Magnolia, that much I knew.

I sat down and took a small break behind a large rugged tree, and after I caught my breath, I grabbed my Cancer key from my side.
I was tired already.. Maybe I am weak.
But I won't stop, I have to summon Cancer.

It was time to change my appearance, reasons being self explanatory.
I couldn't look like a missing girl.

"Open! Gate of the crab! Cancer!"

I shouted, causing Cancer to start to summon
He appeared mere moments after I summoned him.
I smiled at him, relieved that he came so quickly, especially on a day he didn't want to be summoned on.
It was against our contract to summon him today, but he didn't really seem to mind.
"How can I help you, baby?" He asked, posing dramatically.

"Can you make my hair longer, about to the end of my back, with some waves? And make it a much lighter blonde?" I asked tiredly, rubbing my forehead.
"Of course, baby." He said, as he began to snip my hair excitedly. After a few brief minutes, he put away his scissors, and handed me a small mirror.

My hair reached my lower back, and was about the color of vanilla ice cream. Nearly white, but with a tint of yellow. The more I looked, the more I realized it roughly resembled Master Mavis' hair.

"Wow! This looks amazing! Thanks, Cancer!" I said, closing his gate with an exhausted smile.

"No problem, baby." He said as he disappeared.

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