Lucy walked down the brick road, all surrounding eyes stared at Lucy, as if she were a notorious villain.
Then, something hit Lucy in the head, she glanced around her and looked down.
A crumbled up paper ball had been thrown at her.
She unfolded the ball, and found that there was writing on the paper.

It read, "Die you useless bitch!"

She frowned and threw the paper back onto the ground, and heard distant giggling.
She stared down at her feet and continued walking forward.

She walked and walked, until she reached the the doors of her guild. She hesitantly placed her hand against the large wooden door of her guild.
She felt a slight sense of anxiety fill her chest, and pushed the door open.

Most of the guild paid no attention to me. My heart felt heavy when I noticed that I was barely missed.
A few seemed to care, such as Mira and Team Shadow Gear. Levy smiled at me, and stood up. She placed her book down on her table.
The next thing I knew, Erza was hugging me.

"Lucy! Good to see you!" She said. At least Erza and Levy still cared about me.

It wasn't like my guild had turned on me entirely.. I had just been, well, forgotten.. No one wanted to go on jobs with me because of my reputation. I was basically kicked off Team Natsu without even being told so.
Once you don't have a team, you just become part of the background.

Levy walked over and stood at my side.
"Lu! I'm so happy you came back!" She shouted cheerfully.
"We haven't seen you in weeks!" She added.

Originally, I wanted drive home the idea that I wasn't interested anymore, but their delighted expressions were just far too much for my weak heart.

I felt like I was going to cry, I knew that I was doing was going to make them sad, but everyone acts a little selfish every now and then, right?

I couldn't stay with them. Not after how they treated me.

The fact that I've been giving Fairy Tail negative press is also something I can't ignore.
I can't hurt them anymore, or let them hurt me.

I'm tearing them down. And even though they forgot me, even though they let the media destroy me. Even though they let the public bully me.

I... I still love them.

If I stay, things will just get worse.

Not to mention they never visited me when I began to lose myself. Some of the very people who claimed to be my family were the same ones fueling the hate towards me.

They never really helped.

A few other people yelled welcoming phrases, and cute things. But Natsu never said a word. He just waved at me. I suppose that's good.

At least he acknowledged my existence today.
Unlike nearly every other visit, where no one even recognized I was there. Besides, Levy..

Natsu also had Lisanna back now, so he wouldn't need me. I looked away from the adorable dragon slayer.
I cared about him, but I guess he didn't care about me.

I took one last glance at him, and we made eye contact. I was startled, honestly.

Then, surprisingly Natsu spoke up. "Hey, Luce wanna take a job with our team in a bit? Lisanna is coming too!" He said, sounding more than cheerful. He gave me his usual charming smile.

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