Always Come Back

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Seungkwan glared across the counter at Jisoo as the boy made some coffee. "You're doing it wrong."

Jisoo flicked his eyes up to look at his friend. "How many times do I have to tell you—"

"Yes, I get it. This is how you've been making your coffee for years," Seungkwan mocked, clearly not amused. "But, I'm a professional. Will you please just listen to me on this one thing?"

Jisoo chuckled and continued to make his coffee his way. "No."

"Oh my god!" Seungkwan exclaimed, lunging over the counter. "Give me that!"

"No!" Jisoo screamed back, pulling the pot away. "This is how I like my coffee!"

"I cannot believe how stubborn you are!"

"I'm not stubborn!" Jisoo protested as he got out his favorite mug.

"Uhh, right," Seungkwan sarcastically responded.

Jisoo scoffed and poured himself a cup. "I listen! Okay? It's just the coffee that I'm a stickler about. I listen to you all the time."

"Really?" Seungkwan questioned.

"Yes, really."

"Will you listen to me now?"

"If it's not about coffee," Jisoo laughed as he took a sip.

Seungkwan sat up straight. "Go talk to Jeonghan."

Jisoo choked and fell into a fit of coughing. Putting his drink down, he went to get a paper towel to clean up what he'd spit out. "Seungkwannie..."

"I know what you've been telling me," Seungkwan argued. "You've been telling me for a week now. But come on, hyung! I mean, even Seungcheol and Jihoon made up yesterday! I know you haven't seen them yet, but they're so happy! Jeonghan's just waiting for you to come back and you know it." He slowly got up and helped his friend on the other side of the counter. "It's time to make up."

Jisoo sighed and thought it over. This past week had been hell. His group of friends had been split right down the middle because of what was going on. He hadn't seen them all together in a while, and he definitely missed that. But he missed Jeonghan most of all. After talking with Jihoon that first day, he'd been thinking a lot about the whole situation. The problem for Jisoo and Jeonghan was that it wasn't just one fight. It was months of lying from Jeonghan. And for days, Jisoo just couldn't forgive him. He wanted Jeonghan to feel the same pain he did.

But Jihoon forgave Seungcheol yesterday. Jihoon had taken Jisoo's advice. Was it time for him to take Jihoon's? "I'm just so..."

"No," Seungkwan interrupted. "No, don't tell me what you're feeling. Go find Jeonghan and tell him."

Throwing away the paper towel, Jisoo leaned over the sink. Every time they had ever gotten into a fight, Jisoo had this instinctive feeling that would tell him when it was the right time to talk. Jisoo closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and let that feeling take over. Seungkwan was right. It was time.

"Fine," Jisoo blurted out, heading for the front door of his apartment.

"Really?!" Seungkwan exclaimed, actually surprised that that finally worked.

"I'll go talk to him," he said. His chest was heavy and he wasn't sure how to feel, but he knew it was time.

Seungkwan smiled and watched his friend put on his shoes. "Finally!" he laughed. "Send Jeonghan my regards!"

"Sure," Jisoo replied.

"Do you know where he is?"

Jisoo smiled. "Of course I do."

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