Chapter Twenty Two

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Eva: First of all, I'd like to say how grateful for all the support this story has been given and it only motivates me to work harder. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. After this chapter, it will take a bit longer to load up the next ones since they have not been written yet. So I thank you for your patience. ^-^


With Kaede's invitation to eat at the Nara household with Shikamaru and his parents, she couldn't keep her mind off of it. The event wasn't for another several hours, but she was already beginning to feel her nerves get the better of her. And with her work day being slower than normal, it was hard for her to keep her mind completely focused on something else. She might have appeared calm and collected on the outside, but she was feeling anxious and nervous on the inside.

'What should I wear?' Kaede began to chew on her nails. 'Why am I even worried about what I should wear? It's just dinner. And it's not like I've never been over to Shikamaru's house to eat dinner before, but it's been a little over a year since I have. Last time I sort of invited myself over. '

The last dinner Kaede had with the Nara family was interesting to say the least. It was one of the moments she wished she had gotten on camera. Although she didn't have any pictures of it in her scrapbook, she remembered that day quite vividly, almost as if it were yesterday.

"Hey, I'm home." Shikamaru's voice echoed as he entered the house.

"Hey, welcome home Shikamaru!" A female voice exclaimed from the kitchen.

Shikamaru removed his shoes at the front door and quirked a brow in suspicion. The voice he heard wasn't his mother's. As Shikamaru made a beeline for the kitchen, he froze at what he saw. He saw a familiar head of silver hair standing in front of the kitchen sink washing some mushrooms. Unperturbed by the presence that had walked in, the girl washing the mushrooms held up a hand in greeting without turning to look behind her.

"Kaede, what are you doing here?" Shikamaru questioned.

Kaede turned the water off and dried her hands with her apron, curtsying with the hem of it.

"I'm fixing some dinner for my hubby." Kaede gave a cheeky smile. "So go ahead and take a load off."

"Do you even realize what you're saying?" Shikamaru pinched the bridge of his nose, a faint blush dusting his cheeks. "We're not married."

Shikamaru was much too exhausted to deal with Kaede's antics, let alone stand without leaning against the wall for support. Ever since he had been promoted to Chunin, which was not even a week ago, Asuma had encouraged Shikamaru to take his new promotion more seriously. His promotion only led to more soreness and more missions, much to his disdain.

"Geez," Kaede gave an indignant expression. "You can be such a kill-joy sometimes you know that? I'm only joking."

"That still doesn't answer my question." Shikamaru returned the look.

"Well, I was gonna be smart and ask which question, but I can see you're not in a laughing mood." Kaede leaned against the kitchen sink and folded her arms across her chest. "Anyway, I ran into your mom while I was leaving my training session at the hospital today. She needed some help carrying some groceries home and I offered to help. She said I could stay for dinner as thanks, but I insisted that I should help cook if I'm going to eat here. And then I thought now is as good a time as any to learn how to cook something new."

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