Chapter Nineteen

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Author Note: This story has gotten pretty popular and I have you all to thank for that. So I promise I'll put up the next chapters soon. It really means a lot to me to have so much support behind this, so I'm gonna continue to do my best as I write this story. ^-^

"Shizune-sensei, I'm going on my lunch break!"

"Alright, but don't stay out too long alright? I'll need you to come back as soon as you're done."

"Got it,"

Kaede walked out the Konoha Hospital, her pale grey eyes staring up at the cloud-less sky before she stared down at her wrist watch.

"Guess Ichiraku is the best way to go for a quick lunch." Kaede muttered to herself.


"Thank you for waiting, here's your order." Teuchi placed a bowl of steaming hot ramen in front of Kaede

"Thank you Teuchi-san." Kaede smiled gratefully.

Kaede pulled apart her chopsticks once her bowl of beef ramen was placed in front of her. She began to happily devour her bowl of ramen, making loud slurping noises.

"It's good huh?" Ayame chuckled, watching Kaede eat with a hint of amusement playing in her eyes.

Kaede looked up from her bowl, ramen still hanging from her mouth. She blushed and swallowed what was left in her mouth before she nodded in a sheepish fashion. "Yeah, it's been a while since I've had Ichiraku Ramen. Usually I just pack my lunch or bring some instant ramen to work, but I sort of forgot to pack my lunch today."

"Well it's always nice to have you stop by and have some ramen." Teuchi smiled.

"How's the job at the hospital coming along by the way?" Ayame asked. "I hear Shizune-san's got your hands pretty full."

"Yeah, she keeps me busy." Kaede smiled. "It's a lot of hard work, but I really do love my job."

"Have you ever thought about becoming a Field medic-nin instead of just working in the hospital?"

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I never thought about it. I've accompanied Shizune-sensei out on the field a few times during missions that called for a few medics, but I prefer working in the hospital and aiding people here." Kaede nodded thoughtfully, slurping up more noodles.

"You shouldn't get too comfortable working in one place. You might have to go back out on the field if a mission calls for more medical assistance." A familiar male voice butted in.

"Oh Shikamaru, nice of you to drop by." Ayame smiled at the ponytail-haired boy.

Kaede suddenly coughed, nearly choking on her ramen when she heard the familiar lazy voice behind her. She grabbed her glass of water before taking a few drinks of it.

"Uh, are you holding up okay over there Kaede?" Shikamaru raised an eyebrow at Kaede's peculiar choking spasm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just, ate a little too fast." Kaede lied, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

'Déjà vu,' Shikamaru mentally pictured when he startled the crap out of Kaede at the Library. 'I wonder how often this is going to happen?'

"Can I get you anything Shikamaru?" Teuchi asked.

Shikamaru shook his head. "No thanks, I just needed to give Kaede something."

Kaede slowly turned around in the stool she sat in, now facing Shikamaru. "Give me what exactly?"

"Here," Shikamaru placed a peach rose and note on the table and gently pushed it towards her.

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