Chapter Eighteen

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"Ino do you have to be so loud?"

"How can I not be? Sayu asked you out, this is great news!"


After Kaede finished her shift at Konoha Hospital, she quickly returned to the Yamanaka Household, lured by the thought of a hot bath and some home cooked food. Instead, she was nearly tackled at the door by Ino who insisted that she tell her everything that happened when she healed up Sayu at the hospital.

'I guess it's no surprise that Ino managed to get Tenten to spill the news.' Kaede sighed to herself.

"So, what did you say to him when he asked you out? Where are you guys going? Oooh, I'm so jealous!" Ino babbled on with glee.

'Man, when did she get so nosy?' Kaede resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Kaede knew Ino meant well, but sometimes she could be a little overbearing when it came to boys.

"Ino, one question at a time, at least let me take my shoes off at the door." Kaede removed her shoes before placing them by the door. She made her way into the living room before lying down on the couch.

"Okay, now spill. Tell me everything!" Ino urged with a grin, leaning over the couch.

"Isn't that how I got into this mess in the first place?" Kaede placed her hands behind her head in a lazy fashion and stared up at the ceiling.

"What are you talking about?" Ino frowned, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well for starters, if you hadn't told Tenten about what happened with Sayu at the library, this probably wouldn't have happened." Kaede reminded. "And besides, I didn't even give him an answer when he asked me out."

"Why not, Sayu seems like a nice enough guy to go out with. Hell if I didn't have a thing for Sai-kun, I'd probably ask him out myself." Ino giggled.

"Ino," Kaede glared warningly.

Ino held up her hands in front of her defensively and laughed a little. "I'm kidding, but joking aside… why didn't you give him an answer? He deserves that much right?"

"It's not that I don't think Sayu is a nice guy, because he is. It just… feels so weird you know?"

"How does it feel weird exactly?" Ino stared at Kaede with a baffled look.

"It's just that, I don't want to go out with a guy I don't really know very well. Plus, there's still the fact that I haven't exactly gotten over you-know-who." Kaede sighed sullenly. "I know it probably sounds stupid because he's already going out with someone else… but still."

Kaede was beginning to hate the feelings that bubbled up inside her whenever she thought of that familiar ponytailed haired man. Hating the fact that she couldn't say anything because it could permanently ruin what she already had with Shikamaru… and what he had with Temari. Why did love have to be so… troublesome?

Ino sighed before she sat down on the couch beside Kaede, gently putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Listen Kaede, the point of dating is getting to know the person you're going out with. You shouldn't have to go on feeling miserable because of who Shikamaru is dating. I know you've always had a thing for him… but wouldn't it be better to try and explore your options a little instead of aimlessly hoping and waiting for something to happen between you and Shikamaru? And besides, don't you think Shikamaru would be happy knowing that his best friend is happy too?"

Kaede stayed quiet, mulling over Ino's words. It was hard to admit, but she did have a point. Why hope for Shikamaru to break up with Temari and come crawling to her to confess his undying affections when he didn't even feel the same way? It was better to think realistically about the situation rather than hope for something that wasn't going to happen.

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