Chapter Three

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Evafan24: Just a quick note to all you readers, this is a flashback of Kaede and Shikamaru when they first became acquainted with each other.  Happy reading! ^.^




"Shikamaru, this isn't the time to be sleeping in class!" Iruka shouts, throwing his chalk at him as if it were a kunai. It smacked him square in the forehead, causing Shikamaru to wake up from his peaceful slumber. He grumbled a few incoherent profanities under his breath, rubbing the red mark on his forehead from the impact of the chalk.

"Hey, what was that for? I was having a good nap." Shikamaru murmurs with a yawn.

Iruka glared at him. "I won't allow you to sleep in this classroom and treat this place like your bedroom. You can sleep at home!" he chastised. A stress mark appeared on Iruka's forehead when he saw Shikamaru wasn't even looking in his direction. He was staring out at the window watching the clouds float by.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, just tuning you out." he murmurs under his breath, yawning briefly. Some of the students had overheard his little comment and they began to giggle quietly, whilst Iruka was fuming.

"Alright that's it! Detention afterschool!"

He merely rolled his eyes and his eyes failed to leave the clouds until he heard the door suddenly burst open, revealing a girl leaning against the doorframe while trying to catch her breath. "Sorry, I'm...late. I got lost...trying to...look for...the classroom." she managed to say as she panted.

He raises an eyebrow at the unfamiliar student, but turned his head back to the window, not really caring about who she was or what the hell she was doing here. She already seemed like a troublesome girl in his eyes just by looking at her.

Iruka turned around and smiled at the silver-haired girl with grey eyes. "Oh, you must be the new student then right?"

She nods before putting on a smile, quickly bowing before Iruka-sensei. "Y-yes, that's me."

"I'll be your instructor for this class, Iruka-sensei. Would mind introducing yourself to the class then? Maybe even tell them a little bit about yourself to clear up any questions the class might have for you."

"Nope, not at all." She quickly headed to the center of the classroom, trying to ignore all the stares she was getting from her new classmates. She figured that wasn't anything new being the newbie that she was.

"My name's Kaede Himawari and I just moved in here from the Land of Greens. I'm currently staying with the Yamanaka family and I'm hoping to learn as much as I can to get prepared for becoming a great medical-ninja." Iruka merely smiled in reply with a nod.

"Alright Kaede-chan, have a seat anywhere you'd like." Kaede scans the back of the room and her eyes finally take sight of the familiar blonde she was supposed to walk to school with this morning. She takes the empty seat next to her before shooting her trademark scowl in her direction.

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning Ino? You were supposed to show me around and it took me forever just to locate which classroom I'm supposed to come to." Kaede pouts.

"Sorry, but I had to leave the house early to try to snag a seat next to Sasuke-kun today. But Ms. Billboard Brow ends up getting here before me and gets to sit next to him! Can you believe her? Trying to steal my man away from me like that, what a cow!" she flared, clenching her fists.

"Mind holding the conversation until after class ladies?" Iruka scolded.

"Sorry sensei," they apologize in unison.

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