Chapter Two

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Author's Note: I'd like to thank everyone for reading or commenting on this story. This chapter is a bit short, but I promise the next chapter will be much longer. ^^

"Come on Kaede-chan, it wasn't that bad," Ino reassured Kaede, gently patting her on the shoulder. "I mean look at the bright side, at least you found out the truth without having to spill your heart out and embarrass yourself in front of him."

"What bright side," Kaede seethed angrily, causing Ino to cringe at her tone. "Whether I told him or not just proves I obviously don't measure up to his standards. I can't believe I was dumb enough to believe that he was getting a birthday present for me."

How would you feel if you were about to spill your heart out to your crush of two to almost three years, only to have it trampled on when you find him making out with another woman? Yeah, really adds the cherry to your sundae, doesn't it?

"Just don't let it get you down too much okay? Besides, why just settle on Shikamaru when there are other guys out there that are much hotter and cooler?"

"Shikamaru was my first love Ino. Sure, he's lazy and complains a lot, but he's actually a really nice and funny guy once you get past that. Not to mention he's incredibly smart. I don't want to just settle for any random cute guy that walks by." Kaede murmured dejected.

"Well you know what they say; tis better to have love and lost than to have never have loved at all!" Ino threw her hands in the air in a dramatic fashion.

Kaede glowered at Ino. "Is this you're way of trying to comfort me? If it is, you're not doing a very good job."

The two girls stay silent for a moment as if contemplating what to say to each other next. Luckily, Kaede's sigh breaks the awkward silence.

"I-I'm sorry," Kaede mumbled, albeit loud enough for Ino to hear her. "I'm just..."

Ino placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay, I totally understand. If I were in the same situation I'd probably do the same thing, you just need some time to vent, that's all."

"I guess," Kaede weakly shrugged her shoulders.

"Look Kaede, you need to forget about Shikamaru, or you'll never be able to move on if you keep moping about it. How about we go out tonight and hang around at the Shopping District? It's both a place to see and be seen by cute guys." Ino gave Kaede a wink and a nudge.

The suggestion only made her frown. Kaede wasn't interested in looking for another guy, she wanted him, her best friend. The fact that he was already involved with someone else, hearing Ino's idea only made her only feel sick to her stomach. Especially since Kaede still harbored feelings for the lazy chunnin.

"I think I'm gonna pass on your offer Ino. Maybe some other time okay?"

Ino stayed silent for a moment before she nodded with a smile. "Alright, but if you change your mind, you know where to find me." Ino patted her on the shoulder before getting off Kaede's bed and walked out of her room.

Kaede sighed a bit before allowing her body to lay on her back and stare up at the ceiling. Eventually, her pale gray eyes wandered around the room aimlessly, looking for something to focus her view on. Her eyes suddenly paused as they take notice of an old photo sitting on her white dresser.

Kaede slowly moved up to an upright position on her bed before she walked over to her dresser, taking the framed photo into her hands. She carefully removed the dust that had collected on the glass with her thumb. The photograph showed a picture of Kaede and Shikamaru taken two almost three years ago; when she had first arrived in Konoha.

'I wish we could go back...back to the old days...' Kaede's vision growing blurry as tears clouded her vision.

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