Chapter Fifteen

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Evafan24: Hey everyone, I'm really sorry for the wait on my update. I've gotta remember to upload the rest of my chapters on here. ^^;;  Anyway, I'd like to thank everyone so far for taking the time to read and/or comment on my stories. It's hard to express in words how much it truly means to me. ^////^

"I wonder what's keeping Kaede. Something's obviously up…"

Ino stared up at the ceiling from her spot on the living room couch.  She let out a soft sigh and turned her gaze towards the clock again. Two hours had passed since Kaede left the house without explaining why.  Even though she said she would be back, Ino didn't think she would be out this long.  She couldn't help but begin to worry a little.

'Well, whatever's keeping her…I'll ask her about it when she gets back.' Ino nodded to herself.

A knock from the front door snaps her out of her reviere, bringing her back to reality. She quickly pushed herself off the couch and walked over to the door to answer it.

"Well it's about time Kaede." Ino grumbled, sliding the door open.

"Hey Ino, would you mind giving me a hand here? My hands are kind of full here." A voice grunted from behind a few small boxes.

"Huh, Mom is that you?" Ino quickly grabbed the boxes from her mother's hands.

Her mother chuckled in reply and smiled at her daughter gratefully. "Who were you expecting?"

"I was kind of expecting Kaede…" Ino mumbled under her breath.

"I'm sorry, what was that sweetheart?"

"O-Oh, um…it's nothing Mom!" Ino quickly lied with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, well then, would you mind taking those boxes inside for me? I don't want the food in them to get cold."

"Sure thing," Ino rushed into the kitchen and placed the boxes of take-out on the kitchen counter.

'I can't tell Mom now. She'll only start to worry if I do. It's better if I just play it cool for now…'

At first, it seemed like telling her Mom that she didn't know where Kaede went or when she was coming back would be the best thing to do, but she knew it would only worry her and possibly make her overreact. And that was something she certainly didn't want her mother to do.

'Kaede's fine, she can take care of herself. I'm thinking too much into this.' Ino reassures herself.

"So Ino, are you hungry? There should be more than enough food in those take-out boxes."

Ino nearly jumped out of her skin when her mother's voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"O-Oh, a little hungry I guess." Ino awkwardly shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm sorry about dinner tonight, I meant to do some grocery shopping today, but I never got around to it." Her mother apologized with a nervous laugh.

"That's alright Mom, take-out is fine."

"I got one for your Father since he's supposed to be coming home from his mission later tonight. Just put it in the fridge for him so he can warm it up later okay?"

"Yeah, sure thing Mom," Ino takes one of the take-out boxes on the counter and puts it in the fridge.

"There's one for Kaede too when she gets hungry. Is she still at work?"

'Crap…' Ino inwardly panicked.

"Um well, you see, the thing is Kaede—"

The front door suddenly slid open, cutting Ino off midsentence. A disgruntled Kaede slowly made her way inside the house, staring down at the floor.

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