Chapter Four

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"Kaede and Shikamaru sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes-"

"Naruto, if you don't shut your mouth right now I' forget it. It's a total waste of time wasting my energy on you. It's not worth it." Shikamaru sighs while rubbing his temples with a look that spoke that he was getting extremely annoyed and tired.

Kiba laughs, throwing an arm over his shoulder. "Don't get so worked up about it, he was just joking around you know?" he flashes his canines and Shikamaru proceeds to take his arm off him while glaring.

"Yeah, well his jokes are starting to get on my nerves. Ever since I showed Kaede around the school, all these crazy rumors have been flying around that Kaede and I are dating or something. Whenever we're within two feet of each other, people will start teasing me or bugging me about it. It's driving me crazy, even Choji ended up asking me about it earlier today." he groans rubbing his temples.

"So what'd you tell him?" Naruto asks.

"What do you think? Told him we're nothing more than friends, probably acquaintance is a better way to put it since I just met her! She hasn't even been here for a week, let alone three days."

"What about Kaede, has she said anything about this?" Kiba asks with a raised eyebrow.

"She just makes the situation worse by not saying anything at all. The fact that she isn't speaking up about it and saying the rumors aren't true is just making things worse. Nobody is going believe me unless she can agree with me."

"Guess you'll have to convince her that she should."

"And speak of the devil..." Shikamaru grumbles.



"Wow, this camera works wonders." Kaede said as she took another picture of the classroom.

"Kaede, where did you get that camera?" Shikamaru asks raising a brow in suspicion.

"Oh, a few days ago actually. I got a package in the mail from my parents They sent me this camera to take photos of anything that will show how I'm doing or just some pictures for myself to keep as well." she shrugs her shoulders.

'Great, if it's not one thing with her, it's another.' Shikamaru thought with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh, cute puppy at twelve o' clock!" She suddenly zooms in with her lens to get an up close picture of Akamaru. Akamaru merely tilts his head to the side cutely before flashing a picture. He whins a bit at the sudden flash of light, but shook it off. She quickly turns her head in Shikamaru's direction, holding up the camera in front of his face.

"So how about a picture Shikamaru?" she smiles anxiously for his answer.

"I'd rather not..." he mutters turning away.

"Aw c'mon please?" she whines.

"It depends, what are the chances of you shutting up right now?"

"Slim to none, unless you let me take your picture." she smiles coyly.


"Okay! One...Two...Three!"


"There, you happy?"

She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest. "No, you didn't even smile."

"You didn't say I had to smile." he said with a faint smirk.

"C'mon, you're not being fair Maru-Maru." she whines stomping her foot.

Kiba snickers under his breath. "Maru-Maru?" Shikamaru shot a glare in Kiba's direction that clearly warned him to shut up in which he quickly obeyed like the good little puppy he was.

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