Life Goes On

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It is the break time for students in school. The silence of the corridors is gone, filled by the students' talkings. After Hayley go out from laboratory, she sees her friends and goes to them. When her friends see her, they say hi to her and Hayley responds them and sits next to them. "What were you guys talking about." Jared answers Hayley's question. "We were talking about Katie's new boyfriend." Hayley surprises when she heard this. "When did you start dating? I am the last person knows this." Katie explains. "Of course you don't know because I haven't told anyone about this till now. I just wanted to make sure if he is the right guy for me. That's the new thing I'm trying. We are dating for two weeks." Caroline is the next person who asks question about this. "What's his name?" Katie answers. "Dylan Sommers. He is very rich and he is very handsome." "Those are your critics of having an ideal boyfriend. It all fits for you. You should get married right now." "Oh, you shut up Jared. You don't like making gossips. You better keep it that way." Caroline moves in to make this argument cold and make the atmosphere cooler. "Guys, in my class, physics test results came and guess who has the highest mark?" Jared looks at Caroline, and he guesses quickly who is and gives the answers by his look. "Didn't you bored showing off your test results? Everyone knows you are the one highest marks in the school." "In last two years, I am, but you know who is really the first one." Caroline looks at Hayley, and then Jared, and then Katie too.

However, Hayley does not listening their conversation again. She was trying, but she is considering about the boy who sitted next to her in her last class. She was thinking that she was a little bit harsh to him or not. Then, she reminds her boyfriend again, she reminds her grief. She is angry to everyone, even humans. How can they let aliens live on Earth? By the way, she notices that she just thought another thing from her boyfriend. This is weird for her. Why she was thinking about that boy? Why did he grab her attention? Why does she feel that she knows him before?

Caroline calls Hayley, and when Hayley hears her name, she looks at her friends. "What were you thinking again? Your boyfriend?" "No, no. I wasn't." The three surprises hearing this. Hayley realizes that she babbled out and she bites her lip. Caroline talks again. "You are thinking something else? Wow, I should have undewrstood this from your look." Hayley looks at her clothes. "What's wrong with my look?" "I don't mean your clothes. Your face. Especially your eyes." Hayley objects to Caroline's idea. "I'm not different. I am still the same Hayley." Katie insists on her. "Come on Hayley, you can just tell us what you were thinking." "It's... It's a ridiculous thing. You don't need to know about that." Her friends understands that she won't tell, they know how stubborn Hayley is very well so they don't want to bother her more. The bell rings. Friends say goodbye to each other and goes to their last class.

As the school ends, the four meet to go their home. As they go out from the building, a boy comes to them. Hayley knows who he is; he is her family's neighbour's son. "Hey guys. What's up Hayley?" Hayley smiles to him. "I'm good, Max. What about you?" Matt smiles her too. "I'm fine too. I know you will refuse but I will ask. We can go back to our home together, if you like." Normally, Hayley says no, but this time, she doesn't want to refuse anything. "You know what? This time I won't. Let's go." Matt surprises this respond, and becomes more happy. Hayley turns to her friends and says goodbye to them. By the way, Ezra goes out from the building and he sees Hayley. When he notices she's together with a guy, he keeps looking at them. Hayley starts going with Matt and suddenly, she sees Ezra too. The way he looks at her, it seems weird for Hayley. Why is he looking at her like that? Because of this, Hayley slows down and Matt notices that. He calls her and Hayley turns to him. "Is everything allright?" "Yes, yes, of course. Let's go." They start walking away from school. Before they go away, Hayley looks at Ezra one last time. He is still staring at her. She goes her way to her home with Matt finally.

The streets were not crowd, but not as empty. There are few people walking on streets. The sun is going down and the sky becomes orange that is soft, gives peace to people, and there are no flaw things like clouds to ruin this beauty. Hayley and Matt are walking to their home under this beauty.  Hayley is observing the sky. Matt is the one who first starts the conversation. "You look better than what you used to be." Hayley looks at Matt. "I'm not better actually. I am still same. Where did that come from?" Matt explains to her. "You stand straight, it's little but you are smiling, and you did not refuse this offer today." Hayley looks back to sky and does not say anything. Matt looks at sky too and continues talking. "It's your favourite colour." "Yeah. This colour makes me feel relieved and safe. I believe this colour brings me chance so when I see it, I make a wish." "I see. So what's your wish?" Hayley cannot answer this question because she really doesn't know what she has to wish. There is something passing in her mind but she doesn't want to wish that.

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