A Forgotten Past

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi! I know only a few people have read this so far, but thank you!
-Before recall-
Mercy had just finished up working on a wounded soldier. She bandaged up a gash in his arm from a bullet that grazed his arm. Mercy sighed heavily to see the blood start to seep through the bandage. As she began to add another layer and help others, a large explosion was seen in the distance.
Mercy finished up her patient quickly and flew to the nearest soldier that was crawling away from the fire the bomb caused. The soldier had many burns and cuts, Mercy assumed the explosion wasn't that bad. She's seen worse. She took out her Valkyrie staff to work fast. She healed the soldier quickly and sent them on their way. Mercy ran towards to where the bomb had blown. She saw many mangled bodies; some missing limbs, others had lost their life. Mercy knew this wouldn't be a good fight.

Mercy flopped onto her cot in her personal tent. She was told to go home. She understood it. The fight was getting dangerous, and she was "important" to the world. But, all those deaths today, she couldn't take the guilt. Just as she was about to break down, her communicator lit up with life.
"Overwatch," she read in a skeptical tone. "It can't be, the UN disbanded us and made Overwatch illegal! Why now?"
Mercy thought hard. She doesn't want to go there just to find it's a trap, or more of her old friends have died. Not after Jack and Gabe... Mercy shook her head vigorously, trying to rid of those bad memories. She wished they would just go away...
So, Mercy didn't answer. She left her communicator alone for weeks. Until, a letter arrived. It was small and had a cherry blossom pattern on the front. She opened it quickly, recognizing the elegant handwriting immediately.
"Dear Dr. Ziegler," how many times did she have to tell him to call her "Angela". "I have received the recall from Overwatch and am going when this letter is sent. I believe that this will do much good for the world, and I hope you will join the team.
Well, now Genji is waiting for her. Mercy is betting he's already at Gibraltar. She feels responsible now to go. Ugh, Genji. Always roping her into situations. Guess things never change. Mercy packed her Valkyrie suit and staff with her notebooks and research.
She would be catching the next flight to Gibraltar. See you soon, old friends...

AYYYYYE!! I continued this! That was unexpected. The Gency was very subtle and hopefully not unbearable. Next chapter will be weird as I'm going to switch it to Mercy's first person POV.
Bye guys!!!

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