I fall on the floor, and start laughing hysterically. Principal Lodge just stares at me with wide eyes.

Eventually he says, "Excuse me, did I say something funny"

I blurt out, still laughing "ME? WITH GABRIEL? THE GUY HATES ME."  

"I'm sorry Miss Smith, but my decision has been made. Please get back to class now. You will return to school on Monday."

I finally stop laughing, and get up picking up my bag while I'm at it. I nod, and leave the office, gagging on my way out as I see the picture of him with Ashley, again.

I think, how will my mom react to all this crap? She certainly won't be pleased. I'm pretty sure I won't be eating any cookies tonight.



I'm currently roaming around the halls looking for either Annie or Gabriel. I needed to get two things done before this day ends. First, I have to give Annie her sweatpants back. And second, I have to find Gabriel to see if he can come over tonight with Alexander to work on our assignment. 

After hours of searching, (not literally, lunch is barely 20 minutes) I finally find Annie in the library. I smile and head over to her feeling relived. I notice she's reading a book about fashion designing, which reminds me of Veronica, and her love for fashion. 

I clear my throat and say, "Hey, An---" but I was interrupted by screaming. 


I laugh, and continue what I was about to say. "Don't worry about it, I shouldn't have crept up on you like that. Anyways, I came here to give you back your sweatpants from the other day, thank you for letting me borrow them." 

She smiles, and replies "No need to thank me! I was just doing the right thing."

"Yes, you were." 

The bell rings, and I check my schedule to see what class I have next. 

Annie asks, "What class do you have now? I've got English."

I reply, "English too."

A huge smile forms on her face, "Great! We can walk there together."

I return the smile, and nod as we walk outside the library and head to class together. We arrive, and I take a seat noticing Gabriel behind me. Great, now's the perfect timing to ask him.

"Uhm, hey Gabriel. I wanted to ask you if --..." He rudely interrupts me with a scowl and says, "Not interested."

Well that went well. Why is he so moody for God's sake?

The teacher walks in, and begins explaining. 

Halfway through the class,  I feel something hit me lightly at the back of my head. I turn around, and see Gabriel motion with his fingers to the floor. Confused, I look down and see a crumbled piece of paper. Picking it up, I straighten it out and read, "What did you want?"

So now he wants to know.

I pick up a pen, and scribble, "Meet me after class."

I fold the paper and throw it back to him. 

I hear him open the paper, but then he picks up his pen and writes something. He throws the paper back at me and I open it, immediately regretting ever writing anything to him, after reading what he had said. 

"Already jumping to third base huh? I know I'm too hot for your hormones to handle ;)"

I can't help but roll my eyes several times. I can't believe this guy, he's so full of himself. How can anyone even handle this much ego?

I crumble the paper again, and throw it back at him. Leaving it empty, just like his head.

The bell finally rings, and it's time to speak with the devil. If you didn't get the reference, I'm talking about Gabriel. 

I head outside, but I witness a scene that will scar me for life. 

Gabriel making out with Ashley.

Wait a minute, didn't she cause a scene because she saw me talking to Alexander? Man, this girl jumps from guy to guy faster than Gabriel's mood changes.


hey guys :) thank you so much for reading!! keep voting and commenting, I can't explain how happy that makes me. I want to thank @foreverfearful for giving me the idea of having Gabriel keep an eye on Violet!! It's genius. So thank you very much, and I dedicate this chapter to you. Love you all, take care.


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