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1st Pov. Marina
{1st Pov. Only for thoughts; italic}

I stood silently with my parents, as a dance took place on the gazebo.

Marin stood quietly in next to me, as he glanced at people. I stopped and watched his gaze for moment. My eyes followed his and they landed on Billy.

I small smile crept onto my lips, and I looked away.

"What?" He asked, and I shook my head. I looked back up, only to connect them to Johnny's.

He danced with an older, but beautiful woman. He kept looking back and forth, as he slowed danced with the woman.

I stared at him, then quickly looked away. I mentally scolded myself for liking him slightly.

"Come on, Dove." Nick said, in front of me. I pulled my hand from his, but Marin shoved me forward.


"Marina! Go." My mother whispered yelled, and Marin pushed me forward.

I looked at Johnny and his jaw tensed at my form. I quickly straightened my dress, and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Dove? I'm just going to say it. I like ya'." Nick said, his honey brown hair bounced in the slow wind.

"Look, Nick. You see-"

"Hey, I know what you're going to say. How about we get a little snack and talk it over?" He said, and pulled me towards the main house.

"You can have anything you want. We got brownies, milk..." He trailed on as I heard a noise in the corner of the kitchen.

Behind a rack, sat Penny; tears running down her cheeks. Her eyes connected to mine and her's widened.

"Nick. You should tell my parents about your college. I know they will such and interest."I said as I slowly pushed him towards the exit.

"I mean I can. Aren't you going to come?" He asked taking a step back in.

"No!" I shouted slightly and he gave me a curious look.

"I mean-- uh. I am having woman-al issues. The bathroom is just through those doors. I will meet you down there." I said quickly and pushed him out. I waited till he was down the hall and I ran to Penny.

"Penny? Are you okay?" I asked, and she shook her head 'no'.

"Let me go get Johnny." I said and stood, her grip on my wrist tightened and she pulled me back to her level.

"No. Just get me home." She said, and I gave her a hesitant nod.


I sat tiredly in the small chair next to Penny's bed. She slept quietly, as I waited for Johnny to come.

"Hey Pen-"

Johnny paused as his he stopped at me. I quickly sat up, my jacket sleeve falling, exposing my bare right torso.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly, and glanced to Penny.

"I've been waiting for you." I said quieter, and stood awkwardly. His eyes looked to my shoulder, and I quickly pulled up my sleeve.

"What's the matter?" He asked and took a step to me.

"I-" I stopped myself, and looked back at Penny. I looked back at him, and he stared with slight pleading eyes.

"She'll tell you when she's ready." I said, and walked out of the home. I quickly closed the door, and stood silently on the porch.

"Hey-" Johnny said but stopped as he stood directly against me. His eyes stared intensely at me, as I returned the look.

After a minute Johnny took a step forward, and I took one back. Like my usual self, I tripped over my feet.

"Uh!" I grunted as I waited to fall, as strong arms had encircled my waist.
I opened my eyes slowly, and stared at him.

He was bent over me, holding me against himself. My hand holding his neck, as my other clutched his arm.

My breathing quickened as he sat me straight and quickly spoke.

"Thanks for staying." He said quickly and walked back into the home.

I smiled widely and ran down the steps. I sprinted towards my cabin, and snuck back into my room.

"Marina, just because your dad's favorite doesn't mean you get everything." Marin said, as I entered my room.

He glared slightly at me, from across the hall.

"And just because your mom's doesn't mean you have to suffer at her expectations. I know you know, that I know what you really want." I said back, and closed my door.

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