"We need to talk"

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Today was the day, and to say If I'm nervous is an understatement. I am beyond nervous, I legit had to change my shirt two times due to how hard I'm sweating. I figured out what we're gonna do, I figured out about a week after I asked her out. It wasn't my plan, with connect the dots, it was Sarah's.


"Hey Sarah, whatcha doing?" She looks up from her coloring book and smiles. "I'm playing connect the dots Dyl." I haven't played that in a long time, and I still need and idea on how to ask Sylvia out on another date. I'm really desperate if I'm asking a four year old. "Hey Sare do you know what a date is?" She nods her head. "Well do you have any ideas on how I can ask Sylvia on a date." Sh looks up once again and pulls up her coloring book with her. She points to the connect the dots. What? I'm about to ask her what but then it hits me. "Sare you're a genius!"

Flashback ends

I went to the store right way and got the chalk, and maybe I got a bit to much. But Sarah didn't mind with her new found chalk collection. It was harder than I thought but her smile after definitely made it worth it.

I texted her earlier telling her that I would be picking her up at 6:30. It was ten before so I quickly placed the basket and the blanket in the back of my truck along with the other things I put in earlier. I pulled the tarp over the back and went the front door and yelled 'bye' before shutting it and hopping in the front seat.

As I started the drive to Sylvia's house I was deep in my thoughts.

I wonder if she'll like it.

But what if she doesn't.

Maybe she's not into that type of stuff.

Would she mind not being able to see for about five minutes?

What if this date goes to garbage?

Soon enough I pull into her driveway and there she is on the porch. She has a black t-shirt on overlaying a white skirt along with a pair of black flats. Her hair is down in loose waves. She gives me a smile and starts to walk towards my truck, I quickly open my door and dart to the other side of my truck and open the door for her. She gives me a smile, "Thanks."

After about a fifteen minute drive we arrive at our destination. Sylvia looks out the window, her eyes huge.

"You're not gonna kill me are you?"

I chuckle as she looks outside the window again and sees the green forest exterior.

"No I'm not gonna kill you."

I reach over her and open the glove department and pull out the white bandana.

"I'm gonna have to blindfold you. Is that okay?"

She nods her head before quickly saying, "only if you don't leave me here." I laugh and gently turn her around so that her back is facing me I start to tie it around her head making sure not to knot it in her hair. "Okay."

I open my door and go over to her side and help her out. I place my hands on her shoulders and guide her to the back of the truck, I take my hands off her shoulders and open the bed of my truck, I take out all that is necessarily needed before fixing all the blankets. I lay the blue blanket on the grass about ten feet away from the truck and place the basket down along with it. I walk back to Sylvia and untie the bandana, it drops to the ground and I make a mental note to grab it before we leave.

"Do you like it?"

She looks back at me then back to the blanket and bed of my truck.

"Are you kidding? I love it!"

A smile takes over my face as I guide her over to the blanket. She sits down and I sit down next to her. She clasps her hands in front of her and gives me a nervous smile.

"So what's in the basket?"

I look towards the basket and open it up.

"We have four peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a bowl of fruit, and two water bottles."

I place everything that's in the basket in front of us and Sylvia immediately goes for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

"I didn't really know what kinds sandwiches you like so..."

She looks up from eating and smiles at me, a light laugh coming out.

"Oh no it's fine. I hadn't had one of these in a while." She takes a bite to prove her point.

That's how half the night went. We had a light conversion, and I learned a lot more about her. Her favorite color is green, her favorite movie genre is comedy, her favorite food is spaghetti, and the list goes on and on. She just finished one of the strawberries in the bowl when I looked up at the sky. The sun was starting to set. I start to load the stuff back into the basket and Sylvia helps to, she probably has no idea of what's going on but. Once we have the blanket tucked into the basket I grab her hand and lead her back towards the truck. Her hand is warm in mine and not to be cheesy, it fit perfectly in mine.

I place the basket towards the end of the truck bed and Sylvia is trying to hop in it. I grab a hold of her waist and gently lift her up, she mutters a quick thanks before getting comfy. I do as she did and hop in and get comfortable.

Two minutes bypass when I hear her whisper "wow." She's looking up at the sky which has pink, orange, and yellow dotting across it. She continues to look at the sky even when the stars make an appearance.

"Dylan this date was amazing, and so sweet of you. I had lots of fun."

I look at her and I can't help but see how her cheeks are always rosy, how her eyes light up when she sees something she likes, or when she laughs to loud she covers her mouth, and don't get me started on her lips. I now know why people see her as some goddess, because she is. She's amazing and I was so wrong about her. I fell and I fell hard. I can't hold it in anymore.

"Sylvia I have to tell you something."

She sits up and looks towards me. "Okay what?"

I take a deep breath and say the words that are in my mind.

"I love you."

She gasps and covers her mouth with her hands she jumps down from the truck bed and I follow, shutting it behind me I knew that I shouldn't of told her but I had to.

I walk towards her slowly and place the palm of my hand on her shoulder and she turns around. I then noticed the tears that are gliding down her cheeks. I reach up to wipe them away, she shouldn't be crying. But she backs away and takes a deep breath.

"We need to talk."



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