"Oh holy mother of chicken nuggets!"

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So this is what my amazing weekend consisted of. *coughs* CLEANING! My dad got all mad because he clearly saw Dylan leaving. And he set a punishment, I have to scrub every part of this house. Like no, I hate him. He thinks I love him so much. But, I don't he uses his money to buy me everything thinking it will make him a better dad. Well dad I'm sorry to say, it doesnt. But, the good part is that he agreed to let me spend the night at Donna's, thank god.

I finish scrubbing the kitchen floor placing the sponge back into the bucket of water. So far I've cleaned the walls in the living room, scrubbed the kitchen floor, and dusted the whole dining room along with mopping it.

I wipe my head and stand up, while grabbing the bucket. I dumped the dirty water in the sink then placed it in the cabinet under the sink. I walk up the stairs in my room grabbing my old cheerleading duffle bag and place the things I need for the sleepover. It took about ten minutes to gather everything in my bag.

I sit on my bed grabbing my laptop and logging on to instagram I looked back at the picture I took with him. I'm surprised that it got 6,345 likes. Thats the most likes I've ever gotten. I look at the dresser beside my bed seeing my perfume. I stand up and grab it to place it in my bag but see, the tub of vannila ice cream still there from two days ago. I place the perfume back on my dresser with a thud  and grab the vanilla ice cream immediately feeling the cold tub against my palm. I open the lid to see more than half of it gone. Well I'm glad he enjoyed it.


I hear the loud honk from outside and knowing that Lilly is finally here. I open the door and shout back into the house "Dad I'm leaving!" And he walk into the room and nods and walk back out. He's such a butt. I shut the door with a slam and walk to Lilly's car. I open the door to get in the front seat but it's locked. I knock on the window and it rolls down with Casey sitting there surprising me. "Hey Sylvia I'm going to be at the sleep over." She says to me with a bright smile showing through. I nod getting into the backseat looking out the window while Lilly and Casey discuss shoes at the mall.

Five minutes later we arrive at Donna's I hope out the car with my bag swung over my shoulder over. I walk into the house and see Donna on the couch painting her toes blue. "Hey Don." I open my arms. "SYLVIA I haven't seen you in like forever!" She screams in my face wrapping her arms around me swaying back and forth. I untangle from her arms and turn my head to the floor to see Casey and Donna talking about games we can play.

"How about we play truth or dare? " she yells out in Donna's and my face. Oh god no, this is not good. "Sure." Donna replies with same enthusiasm.  We sit around in the living room in a circle, Lilly comes back a couple seconds later with a ketchup bottle. She places in the middle and look at all of us and  asks "So who's going to go first?" Clapping her hands. I look at  everyone and sees Donna with her thumbs pointing at herself. She spins the the ketchup bottle and it lands in Lilly. "Truth or dare Lilly. " she looks at her wiggling her eyebrows at Lilly. "Dare." She replies back with a smirk.
"I dare you to go outside and scream I love chicken nuggets." She smirks at Lilly, while Lilly is blushing pink. She breaths in and out and stands up going to the door we follow after her. I look out the window seeing Donna's neighbor outside David. I smack her arm and I gape at her while she smiles. You see Lilly has have a crush on David since freshmen year, but she doesn't have the guts to ask him out. Lilly walk out the door and screams out "I LOVE CHICKEN NUGGETS!" And turns a deep shade of red, ready to go back in the house but we hear a following shout from David's house "ME TOO." She looks at him turning a darker shade of red. And he just smile at her. My ship is finally sailing.

We head back into her house and we sit back down before Lilly spins she mutters "I hate you guys." And spins the bottle and it lands on Casey.  "Casey truth or dare." She asks her. "Truth."she replies bluntly. And Lilly smirks, uh oh. "Is it true and that you had your first kiss with a boy two years younger than you?" Casey turns pink and whispers like she ashamed if it "true."

She spins the bottle and it land on me. Uh oh. She gives me a huge smirk evilness in her eyes. "Sylvia truth or dare."  I feel a boost of confidence and I replie, "dare. " I smirk back at her but when she says it  I immediately regret my decision.  "I dare you to date Dylan for two months. And you can't tell him it's a dare."
Lilly and Donna both of their mouths drop while I'm thinking.

Oh holy mother of chicken nuggets!

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