"I'm allergic to oranges."

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"I have to work with this geek." Sylvia says with a harsh attitude. "Yes Miss Summer, and don't call Mr. Beet a geek. It's very rude.", Mr. I-don't-know answers Sylvia's question. I don't really know what his name is. All I know is he always call his students by their last names.

I look over at the girl that sent my papers flying everywere or also known as Miss Popular or Sylvia Summers. She gets all the attention, picks on kids, and is a spoiled brat as rumors say.

Me, Dylan Beet. The Geek, sits at a table with other missfits, get no attention, get picks on, and I have a weathy family but no one knows because I don't talk about.

"So this will be a two week project on the basic properties of plants. May sound easy but you will be making a poster, essay, and will be doing test on them. Is that clear. You may start today an-" Mr.IDK, thats what I'll call him says before getting interrupted by the lunch bell. I gather my things but then Sylvia intrudes my privacy. "I'll meet you at yours. And I need your number." She hold her hand out and I notice her dark pink fingernails. I take my notebook and rip a page out and write my number on it. I drop it in her hand and she takes it. She walks back over to her seat and grabs her bookbag and walks out. I follow out the door.

I come to the cafeteria but not before making a quick stop at my locker. It's going to sick having to be partners with Sylvia. She's a brat and thinks she can get everything she wants with no consequences. She also thinks that she can control people's life.
I walk to the vending machine and put a dollar in then it comes back out. I push it back in but it comes out again. Stupid vending machine. I push it back in forcibly and it finally stays in. I look were the bottle of water is and it's D17. I type in D1 then Sylvia bumps into me. I end up typing in D11 instead of D17. Great orange juice! Please note the sarcasm.  I'm allergic to oranges too. Can this day get any worse. All I wanted was water. Just water, is that so hard to ask for.

"Oops I didn't see you." Sylvia's laughs ringing in my ears.

Whatever, she has no clue what's coming at her.
I walk a straight out of the cafeteria, leaving the orange juice in the tray of the vending machine. And I walk to my locker.

I hate school. I tried to convince my mom to do online schooling since what happened..... but she didn't let me. Saying I'll be too lonely.

The warning bell rings and I head to my locker to grab the things I need for my next class. After that I walk to class. I enter to see Mrs. Jansen my math teacher at her desk on the phone. I take a seat at the front of the class and lay my head down. Can't this day get over any faster.


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