'I didn't think of that. But you can't say anything, I promised Paulette I wouldn't tell you.'

Louis pulled a face. 'Don't worry, Johnny will probably shoot the messenger. I ain't getting involved.'

Sharon sighed. 'Well I've not got a choice in the matter, we're practically roommates now.' She tried to sound indignant although she quite liked being one of the first to know all the gossip.

'Just be careful,' Louis warned her. 'What will your mom say if Paulette's still there when she gets home?'

'I don't know, she won't be happy but I don't think she'll chuck Paulette out.'

'I can't believe Johnny was so dumb.'

Sharon frowned. 'We weren't exactly careful,' she said her anxiety creeping up again.

'It's not the same, we've been together ages.'

Sharon nodded, reminding herself he had been talking engagement rings. She only hoped it was more than just talk.


Paulette sat contemplating the telephone, she couldn't put off calling Johnny forever. Nervously she picked up the handle and dialled, hoping he wasn't home.

'Hello,' Johnny said answering on the fourth ring.

'Hi, Johnny.'

'Paulette, how are you?'

He actually sounded pleased to hear from her and she felt even worse.

'I'm good Johnny.'

'That's great, I'd get together with you but I'm doing a late shift for Steph's dad. It's overtime cos between you and me I think Steph likes to spend her evenings with Shakespeare.' He laughed and it killed her how relaxed he sounded.

'It's okay Johnny, you get that overtime while you can.'

'Yeah, I will. I'm doing this for us, you know.'

She sighed deeply. 'For us?' 

'Yeah, I want to be able to take you out and treat you when I'm not at work.'

Her heart sank. A year ago she'd have loved him say that, and now that he was she'd gone and blown it. She took a deep breath, she had to get to the real purpose of her call.

'I'm staying at Sharon's, I had a falling out with my mom.'

'Really, what's happened?' He sounded surprised but before she could elaborate there was a knock at the door.

Her nerve deserted her. 'It's okay, don't worry, I just took advantage of Sharon's mom being away.' There was another knock. 'Look I'll have to go, there's someone at the door.' She hung up and answered the door to Sharon's brother Sam.

'Hi where's my sister?' he asked coming in.

'Oh she's gone out with Louis,' Paulette said trying not to swoon. She'd always thought Sharon's brother was cute, it was a shame he'd just got married.

'Louis?' Sam asked with a sneer, and Paulette giggled, he obviously didn't approve.

'Yeah they went for lunch, I'm just staying here to keep Sharon company.'

'Well rather you than certain other people who might want to get their feet under the table,' Sam grumbled.

'You don't like Louis?' She was glad of the distraction.

'It's not a matter of like, Sharon's my little sister and if he doesn't treat her right...' He left the threat hanging in the air and Paulette was almost envious. She'd have loved a protective older brother rather than the annoying little sister she got, especially now.

'I think Sharon keeps Louis in check,' she told Sam.

'I hope so. I'm not happy with our mom leaving her alone like this, it's not on.'

'Oh why did she?' Paulette knew she'd gone to visit her older daughter but she didn't know why Sharon hadn't gone with her.

'I think it was because her new man was going with her,' Sam said pulling a face. 'Having Sharon around would have cramped her style.'

Paulette frowned, she didn't know Sharon's mom had a boyfriend but she didn't know if Sharon hadn't said or if she hadn't paid attention. She did sometimes tune her out, well most of the time if she was honest.

'I guess three is a crowd,' she said.

Sam frowned. 'Mom needs to remember her responsibilities, if anything happens to Sharon she'll only have herself to blame.'

'I'm sure she'll be fine, this is a nice neighbourhood.'

'That wasn't what I was thinking about,' Sam said, and Paulette, with her heightened sensitivity, knew what he meant. No doubt her parents were having very similar conversations about her right now. She wondered if they were worried although they'd probably assume she was staying with one of the girls. It hurt that they hadn't called to check though, they'd have to talk to her at some point.


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