Chapter 12

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'I'm never speaking to Louis again,' Sharon snapped at Rhonda the next day as she got her stuff out of her locker. She couldn't believe Rhonda was actually trying to meditate on Louis's behalf. No doubt Goose had put her up to it, the guys always stuck together.

'You don't think you're being a bit dramatic?' Rhonda asked tentatively. 'It sounds like it's all a bit of a misunderstanding.'

Sharon spun around. 'Misunderstanding? Do you really think that?'

Rhonda withered under her glare. 'I guess not, but are you sure you want to throw your relationship away without even talking to him?'

'He doesn't have anything to say that's worth listening to.' Sharon slammed her locker shut as she saw Louis approaching, and Rhonda winced.

'Sharon...' Louis started to say placing his hand on her arm. She snatched her arm away, her heart pounding.

'Don't speak to me,' she hissed trying to keep her voice steady. 'I don't want to hear it!' She pushed past him, her heels clicking as she marched down the corridor, Rhonda trailing after her.


Louis could not believe how stubborn Sharon was being, she hadn't spoken for over a week now. Even when they were forced together at rehearsals she was determinedly keeping out of his way, directing all her orders at Davey. It was getting beyond a joke. He watched her talking to the pink ladies as they got ready for their act, they were on last.

'I've totally messed things up with Sharon,' he remarked to Michael who was also watching and waiting.


'Yeah.' Louis got his cigarettes out on autopilot before putting them away again.

'Go talk to her then,' Michael suggested.

'She's not speaking to me, I mean I did something really stupid...well I didn't, but I sort of did. I said some things I shouldn't have,' he said struggling to explain.

'Right....So why don't you apologise to her then?'

'It's not that simple,' Louis said, and Michael raised an eyebrow.

'What you can't say sorry?' Michael asked mocking him. 'Forget you're a t bird and put your ego to one side.'

Louis frowned. 'It's not like that, what if she won't forgive me, then I'll have lost her.'

'If you don't say anything you'll have lost her anyway,' Michael pointed out as Louis continued to brood.


'I've told you Sharon, dump him,' Steph said giving Louis a hard look.

'You can't leave him in limbo like this,' Rhonda added. 'If you don't wanna be with him then you should put him out of his misery.'

'I don't know,' Sharon said with a deep sigh, her eyes flitting over to Louis briefly. She didn't want to admit that she liked being his girlfriend, when he wasn't pressurising her that is.

Steph groaned. 'I wish you girls could see what jerks these guys are. Now that guy at the Bowlarama, I could get worked up over him.'

Sharon rolled her eyes, she knew how impressed Steph had been but she knew nothing about him. 'He could be anyone Steph.'

'I wonder if he goes to Rydell?' Paulette mused. 'That would be perfect.'

Perfect for you, Sharon thought to herself.

'Uh oh,' Steph said her mouth turning down. 'Look who's coming over.' Sharon turned to see Louis heading their way. She cringed, surely he wasn't going to make a scene in front of her friends?

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