Chapter 14:My Confused Mind

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After school I decided to ride with Diamond instead of waiting for Ethan.

"Hey you were quiet in history class. What's up".

"Do you know who Kam is"?

"Actually no he just transferred here yesterday".

"He looks so familiar". I told her.

She parked the car and turned it off and looked at me.

"Is he from your old pack"?

I thought about it. And shook my head. "No I would remember him. It's just he looks so familiar".

"Well girl we can investigate this is you want to".

I sighed and shook my head. "No it's probably all in my head".

We walked into the pack house and I went straight to the daycare with Diamond.

I looked in and saw Bella playing with some blocks.

"Mama"! I walked in with Diamond

"Once again you do not need to yell". Her mom said coming from the back.

"Where's daddy"?

"He had some pack things to do".

I did learn that her parents were Ethan's bestfriends. And their betas I mean makes sense that Patrick is his beta they grew up together.

"Bella Bella". I said

She looked up at me and giggled and crawled to me.

I bent over and picked her up.

"Hi mommy's baby". I kissed her cheek.

"Thank you for watching her". I said.

"Now you know it is not a problem". Gina said.

I got her bag and medicine and I walked out of the daycare and went to the room. I wanted to finish my homework before anything else.

I put Bella on the bed and put her bag beside the bed. Then took my bookbag off and put it on the bed.

Before I even heard Ethan I could smell him like I always say.

He walked into the room.

"How come you didn't wait for me"? He asked closing the door.

"I wanted to get my homework done and plus you never know how long you will take".

"Well I'll give you that". He said unbuttoning his shirt.

Then he picked up Bella and kissed all over her face making her laugh.

I couldn't help but smile at them. He really loves Bella.

He placed her back on the bed and she crawled to me. And I put her in my lap.

"Well i need to meet this this person trying to join the pack. Patrick said he just wondered here. So I'm going to be questioning him make sure he is good".

I nodded.

He walked over to the closet and took his shirt off.

"Please put that in the basket and not the floor Ethan". I said as Bella smacked my hands.

He looked at me and smiled.

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