Chapter 3:My Mate

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Ethan at the top

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Ethan at the top


As i was leaving work my beta mindlinked that the girl and her brother and daughter were doing fine.

After hearing about them i couldnt just let stay there. There mom was going to die soon. Her wolf was already half dead cause her mate died.

And there Alpha didnt care so why not bring them in.

'Patrick can you take then to my office. Im almost home'. I mindlinked him.

'Yeah. Is Tammy with you"?

I huffed. 'No my sister isnt with me. She had to stay after school for a test'.

'Damn it'.

'Yeah im cutting this off'.

I cut off the mindlink with him. Tammy is my little sister and also Patrick's mate.

My bestfriend and my little sister. Mates! Ugh.

I parked in my spot and walked in the house.

Then it hit me. The best smell in the world. It was sweet. Amazing.

'Mate'. My wolf howled.

I smiled and followed the smell. It was in my office. I opened the door hard.

My wolf Hunter came out.

"MINE". He growled.

She just stared at me. She was gorgeous.

"He scary". I heard a little voice.

I looked down and it was the boy and in her arms was her daughter.

'This bastard raped my mate.'

My wolf growled.

"I'll kill him".

I walked out of the office im so pissed off. Who would rape someone. He deserves to die.

I ran to the backyard. And began to pace back and forth.

"Ethan you good". I heard Patrick ask.

I looked at him.

"Whoa what happened"?

"That girl is my mate. Someone hurt my mate. Someone raped my mate. When i find him im going to rip his head off his body and stomp on his head".

"Aye man i know you are pissed off but you just found your mate. The girl you will fall in love with. You probably scared him. Look we can kill that bitch ass when we find him".

I began to calm down. I probably did scare her and her brother.

"Get back in there and get your mate". He smiled and patted my back.

Yeah he is right. Thats the woman im going to love until the day i die.

I walked back inside and went to my office to see her talking to her brother.


"Mel he was so mad".

"Yeah i know. Remember when dad talked to you about mates".

He nodded. "Yes they are our soulmates".

I smiled. "Very true. And the scary guy was mine".

He covered his mouth and laughed.

"What is so funny".

"You have a crazy one".

I laughed. "He isnt crazy. We dont know that yet".

I smelled my mate coming close to me.

Soon you see him walk back in.

"Im sorry i just got upset when i saw your daughter".

I looked down at Bell.

He is probably mad that i have a child. Probably mad at me. He probably wont even accept me now.

He came over to me and kneeled down.

"Hey dont worry. I dont want you to get the wrong idea. I was pissed off that someone hurt you".

Just thinking about that night the flashbacks.

"Babygirl dont cry please". When he wiped my tears touching me. I felt the spark.

"Im not going to leave you. I promise you that. And as for your daughter i will absolutely accept her no doubt about it".

Just hearing that i sighed with relief.

Terrell goy off the couch and tapped my mates shoulder.

"Yes". He smiled.

"Im Terrell im 5. Are you going to be our alpha"?

"I am and hopefully you and i can become best buds".

"Whats that"?

"Well you come to me when you dont want to tell your sister".

My brother smiled. "Like a big brother"?

My mate chuckled. It sent chills down my spine. He had a deep voice. It was so sexy.

"Exactly like that".

Patrick walked in the room.

"Hey T the kids are home from school. You want to meet them"?

"Yes i really do". Terrell said. He hugged my arm and kissed Bell's forehead and ran out the room with Patrick laughing behing him.

My mate say on the couch.

"Um whats your name"? I asked

He laughed. "How could i not tell you that already. Im Ethan".

"Well i dont know if you already know my name but im Melody and this is Isabella". I said.

He looked down at Bell.

"She is so beautiful. Just like her mother". He said looking up at me.

I smiled. "So what do we do now"? I asked.

"Our future". He smiled.








So i tried to give you a chapter guys. I know its boring. Trust me im getting to the good stuff. You know my first few chapters are crap.



My Teacher Is My Husband  (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें