Chapter 12:My Sick Baby

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Today is Monday and I go back to school. Do I want to? No. Do I need to? Actually not really. But Ethan says I need to be a smart Luna. Book smarts and street smarts. A smart Luna is way better than a confused Luna.

I got out of bed Ethan was in the shower so I went over to Bella's crib.

She was fussy. I took her out of her crib and she was burning up. She just laid her head on my shoulder.

Oh no my baby has a fever. Do not panic Mel this has happened before. I told myself.

I went over to the bathroom door and opened it.


"Yeah baby".

"In going to the pack nurse. I think Bella has a fever".

The shower stopped and he stepped out of the shower. And quickly wrapped his towel around his waist.

"What's wrong with my angel"? He felt her forehead

"Yeah take her to the nurse baby. I'll be there soon".

"Ethan you have to be at school soon I can take her it's fine".

"Umm I need to make sure my little girl is okay so like I said I'll meet you there".

I nodded my head. And walked out of the room. The pack nurse has her own place so I had to walk next door.

I knocked on her door and she opened it.

"Luna what I surprise. Come in".

I walked into her house.

"What can I help you with"?

"My daughter she is sick".

"Oh follow me".

She walked to the back as I followed her. She had her own little doctors office in the back.

I sat Bella on the bed and she started crying. My poor baby.

The nurse checked her temperature which was high.

"She is sick. She has a fever and we need to make sure it goes down before you leave".

She looked in her cabinet and handed me medicine and a plastic spoon. "Give her this and I'm going to get a cold rag".

I nodded.

Bella held onto my arm still crying when Ethan came in.

"Hey how is she".

"She's sick. Can you hold her while I give her this medicine",

He came over and picked Bella up she just stopped crying so fast.

I gave her the medicine. And the pack nurse walked in.

"Oh Alpha". She bowed.

"Nina will she be okay",

She nodded and placed a bag rag on Bella's forehead. "She should be if not come back and see me".

"Thank you". Ethan said.

I told her thank you and Ethan and I left the pack nurses house.

"Ethan I'm not leaving my child sick like this".

"I figured. I'll have Diamond get your homework from each class".

Ethan walked me to the pack house.

"I have to go to work but I'll call you when I can".

He kissed my lips and Bella's forehead.

"Feel better my little angel".

He walked away and found his motorcycle. I don't know what it is but see him on there is just so sexy. Like he's a bad boy.

I laughed to myself and walked back into the pack house.







Yes this is really short and I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you guys a chapter. I know this story is boring. But I'm trying. I'm really sorry guys.

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