Chapter 4:My Pack

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I was in Ethan's office holding Isabella. She was sound asleep. I could feel Ethan staring at me.

I looked up from my daughter and he quickly looked away. I couldnt help but smile.

"Ethan were you staring at me"? I smiled.

He looked at me and laughed. "I cant help but stare. You are so beautiful".

I couldnt help but blush.

"Well my beautiful mate we will have pack meeting welcoming you Isabella and Terrell to our pack and also you as my mate and their Luna".

I gasped. "Oh my goodness im going to be Luna"?

He chuckled. "Yes you will be and you will be fine as luna. Trust me the moon goddess made the right choice as to picking you".

"But ive never have been in charge before. I mean we werent low class but we werent high class. I mean in the pack status thing. And now im a Luna".

He got up from his desk and sat over beside me.

"Dont worry about it. You will be an amazing Luna and if they give you a hard time remember you are in charge. You are my mate and i may look nice and be a great Alpha but i protect whats mine".

"And may i ask what is yours"?

He chuckled. "You, this gorgeous baby girl, your little brother and my little sister. Family is very important to me".

I smiled. "I heard good things about you Ethan and im starting to see why".

Bell started to cry. I looked down she was waking up.

"Can i"? He asked reaching for her.

I nodded and handed her over to him. He seemed like a natural. And she seemed to like him. As soon as he held her she stopped crying.

"Wow look at you".

He laughed. "Well you know children love me".

"I see that".

The door opened and a girl walked into the room.

"Ethan how could you leave me at school i had to take one test". A girl said

Ethan looked real annoyed. "Thank you for knocking Tammy".

She smiled. "I didnt".

"Exactly my point Tammy as you can see i have someone in here and its getting very annoying that you dont knock. What if a visiting alpha was here. Its very disrespectful".

She sighed. "Okay im sorry. Is this the new girl". She pointed at me.

"Yes she is this is Melody my mate".

She looked at me and then at my brother and then down at Bell and then back at Ethan.

"Did you have a baby and not tell anyone"?

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