Mom & Dad

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Smalls woke up early that next day. She got joe settled for the day and grabbed her shoes, jacket, and keys. She turned to go tell Baby she was leaving but he had put his shoes and stuff on too.

"Where are we going?" He asked leaning against the wall. He invited hisself to come with me. Great. "I uh I'm going to see some people." She said softly fiddling with the keys.

"Well let's go." He said he signed to joe that we would be back soon. Smalls wouldn't even try to get him to stay here. She walked downstairs to the car and got in.

She started it up and got buckled as Baby got in. She pulled out the parking spot and down the street. "You still having those dreams?" Baby asked breaking the silence.

"Yep." She said nodding as she pulled onto the highway. "And these people you're going to see can help?" He asked looking at the road before at her.

"These people are my parents.." she said quietly. She's never told him about her parents or her accident I guess now is the time.

"When I was little my parents use to fight and scream at each other all night long. They would never stop, like they loved to fight with each other. I would sing to block out all their yelling. One night I went for a walk, they didn't know or even notice me leave the house. I was walking over a bridge, mind you back then there was no lights on this bridge. I was hit and I lost my voice, I was mute for a very long time. Doctors said I would never sing again, funny right? No? Okay. Ever since then I've never sung, and my parents stopped fighting because of what happened to me. People back home call me the Singing Angel on the Bridge." Smalls explained keeping her eyes on the road.

Baby listened to her as she talked. He was speechless, he didn't know what to say. He simply grabbed her hand tightly in his and squeezed it. Smalls was happy baby didn't say anything but she knew he understood. "Have you tried to sing?" He asked softly.

Smalls shook her head no. "I'm too scared to." She answered as she crossed the bridge into the town her parents lived in. Baby nodded and didn't ask anymore questions. He pondered what she told him. But her humming, that's close enough to singing. Right?


Smalls pulled into the drive way of her parents old house hoping they would still be here. She hasn't seen them since she was 8. She's 21 now. Smalls parked and got out, baby followed behind slowly listening to music.

Smalls knocked on the door and waited. Baby grabbed her hand, she looked back at him and he smiled with a nod letting her know he was here for her.

"Charlie! I'll get the door." A voice of so familiar yelled from the other side of the door. Smalls heart rate picked up and the door opened. Smalls heard a gasp and she lifted a eyes a little and saw her mother.

"Hey mama.." Smalls said forcing a nervous smile. Her mom placed a hand to her heart and the other to her mouth. She was obviously in shock. "Wesley you're home." Her mom said before pulling her into a tight hug.

Yes, Smalls real name was Wesley. Wesley Rebecca Anderson. Wesley was a boys name, yeah but her parents wanted her to be different. Unique. "Kate who's at the door?" Her dad asked as he came to the door. He stopped in his tracks as Smalls pulled away from her mothers grasp.

"'re here?" He asked looking like he was on the verge of tears. "Yeah I came to see you guys." She said nodding as he pulled her into a hug. Baby smiled at the reunion of his girlfriends family.

Smalls pulled away and grabbed Baby's hand who immediately took out his head phones. "Mama, Dad. This is Baby, my boyfriend." Smalls said squeezing his hand gently. "Baby?" Her dad asked confused. "Hi, it's nice to meet you both." Baby said holding out his hand.

"B-A-B-Y Baby?" Her mom spelled out before shaking his hand. "Creative." She said nodding her head with a smile. "Yes ma'am it sure is." Baby said smiling as he shook her dad's hand.

Mom looked over at Smalls and smirked. She knew she approved of Baby all ready. Her dad had pulled baby inside already trying to give him the "talk". 

Smalls stepped inside and closed the door behind them

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Smalls stepped inside and closed the door behind them. Today would be a long day, the house still looked the same and then the memories started to come back all at once.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now