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Smalls was snuggled into Baby's bed sheets nodding her head to the music that played from the earbuds. She yawned softly rolling over, her eyes landed on Baby who had entered the room.

"Here." He said handing her a sandwich on a plate. Smalls sat up taking the plate. "Thanks." She said turning the music down. Baby sat in bed next to her. He took out a earbud slipping it into his ear.

Smalls handed Baby the other half of the sandwich which he denied. "Baby, eat." Smalls said pouting. He took the other half and bit into it. Smalls never understood why he didn't eat much.

"Tonight I wanna take you out." He said looking down at her as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Really? Baby. We don't have to.." Smalls said shaking her head as she looked at him. He nodded his head looking at her.

"But-" Smalls said. Baby cut her off by kissing her. Smalls felt her heart jump and begin to beat faster. She felt her stomach do flips and the music they listened to was drown out.

Smalls rested her hand on his chest and leaning up more. Baby smiled into the kiss, she rambled when she nervous. He slowly pulled away from her. Smalls let out a tiny breath biting her lip before looking up into his eyes.

"You're going whether you like it or not." He said smiling. Smalls rolled her eyes agreeing as the music started to come back to her. Smalls finished her half of her sandwich, she leaned across Baby setting the plate on the night stand.

Baby ate his half and pulled Smalls closer. Smalls rested her head on his chest next to her hand. She drummed her fingers on his chest to the beat and Baby drummed his fingers on her waist.

Smalls looked up at Baby who was falling asleep. She got up sliding from his arms before going to check on Joe who was asleep on the couch. Smalls pulled the blanket over him before going back to Baby.

She climbed back into bed, Baby had put both ear buds in his ears. When Smalls settled in the bed again, Baby wrapped his arms around her holding her close.

"Baby." Smalls said yawning softly. "Mm." He hummed softly from his sleep. "The music." She spoke, Baby paused the song and pulled out the earbuds before burying his face into her neck.

She smiled and soon fell asleep after him. It was nice to take a nap and not have to worry about Doc calling them for once. He said he'd call in a few days and for once he kept his word.


Smalls fixed her hair and straightened out her black dress one last time. She grabbed her purse and stepped out the bathroom. Smalls found her way back to the table sitting down.

Baby had taken them to a fancy restaurant. They both wore all black. Baby looked as handsome as ever. Baby kept looking at her. "What?" Smalls asked looking back at him.

"I can't take my eyes off of you." He said grabbing her hand and holding it gently. Smalls blushed. "Look who's talking, Baby." She said looking into his eyes.

Baby laughed and shook his head. "I ain't nothing special." He said shrugging as he smiled. Smalls looked over at him and rolled her eyes. "You're special to me Baby." She said her voice becoming serious.

Baby squeezed her hand and went to say something but the phone rang. Smalls looked at her purse before at Baby. He nodded. Smalls dug in her purse pulling out the small burner phone and answered it.

'I need you two. Here now.' Doc said over the phone before hanging up. Smalls dropped the phone into her purse and Baby stood. He left enough money for their drinks and the food they didn't even get to eat.

Smalls slid her purse onto her shoulder and baby grabbed her hand pulling her out the restaurant. He opened the car door for her, letting her slide in before closing it behind her. He jogged to the other side and hopped in starting the car.

Smalls foot tapped with impatience. Doc always had to mess something up. Baby sped off to their meet up. Smalls went into her purse pulling out his iPod, earbuds, and his usual shades. "Here Baby." She said holding it out to him as she pushed her own shades on her face.

Baby thanked her silently. He popped his shades on and slid his earbuds in. Baby put on a song and the tapping on Smalls foot went along perfectly.

Baby parallel parked swiftly before getting out. He tossed her the keys and Smalls caught them putting them in her purse along with shades. Baby grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers, as they walked inside Baby stopped her.

"Baby we gotta go-" She said as he had stopped her

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"Baby we gotta go-" She said as he had stopped her. He cupped her face in his hand and kissed her softly. The music he was playing, seemed to get louder. Smalls hummed the next words quickly 'baby don't leave me.'

Baby gently pushed Smalls against the wall kissing her deeper, the music got even louder. Smalls smiled as she mentally sung to the tune. Baby pulled away lifting his shades. "Don't leave my side, ever." He spoke quietly as Smalls licked her lips.

"I won't go anywhere Baby." She said breathlessly nodding. The song had faded and had been isolated back to only baby's earbuds. They caught the elevator up and to the room. They walked inside still holding hands.

3 guys sat at the table. They all eyed Smalls, who felt Baby squeeze her hand. "Doc, who's the prom king and Queen. Well ain't y'all cute." One of them commented. Doc turned away from the chalk board and saw them.

"You both look nice, perfect for this heist tonight

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"You both look nice, perfect for this heist tonight. Sit. Smalls the burner." Doc said holding his hand out, Smalls looked up at Baby who was still taller then her even with heels on.

Baby guide her over to two empty chairs and he sat down. Smalls went into her purse grabbing the phone. She walked around the table, all eyes were on her. But Baby's were the only eyes that really mattered.

"Thank you." Doc said handing her a new one which she took gladly before walking back around the table. She heard a whistle and she turned her head but didn't say anything as she sat back in her seat.

She dropped the burner into her purse zipping it up before placing it on the floor at their feet. Smalls crossed her legs placing her hands into her lap. Baby wrapped his arm around her shoulders and caressed her arm with his finger tips.

It gave her goosebumps but she relaxed leaning against him slightly. Doc wrote more stuff on the board and looked back at Baby and Smalls. "Shall we begin?" He asked Smalls nodded. Baby didn't say anything. "Good." Doc commented and began to go over the heist tonight.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now