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Smalls sighed as she got into the apartment, Baby and Joe shared. Joe was Baby's deaf foster dad. Smalls has been staying with them since a couple months ago when she got kicked out of her own apartment.

The thing is Smalls has always been on her own since her accident. She never even liked talking about it with Baby, he told it was okay that she didn't have to tell him unless she was ready.

Joe saw Smalls and smiled. ''Hi joe, how are you?" Smalls signed to him as she beamed with joy. Smalls loved Joe, he was so sweet and kind. She rather use sign language rather then just paper and pen. It was easier for them both.

'I'm good darling, and you?' He replied back with a questioning look. Smalls laughed. She waved her hand basically telling him she was alright. He smiled nodding before going back to tv.

Baby came in not to long after Smalls. He took off his jacket, sunglasses, and his ear buds. This is the only place Baby is without those earbuds or sunglasses. Baby walked over to the table grabbing a chair and sliding next to joe.

Smalls smiled at the relationship between the two before heading back to Baby's room. She sighed as she saw his messy room. Smalls started to pick up his clothes, humming as she did.

Back in the living room, Baby had flicked through the channels several times. Joe rolled his eyes at the young boy, Baby didn't pay him any mind.  Joe should be use to him doing it so often. Baby's eyes immediately flickered to the far back room where Smalls was.

He heard her humming, he set the remote down leaving the channel on the show Joe was watching before. Joe smiled in relief as Baby got up and started to slowly walk to the back room listening to Smalls, alluring hum.

Baby always thought that Smalls could sing, but she would never sing for him ever not even with him. She would always hum the words, maybe she couldn't sing really. But by the sound of that hum, her voice was beautiful.

He had stopped in the door way, with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His eyes followed Smalls around the room, who didn't notice his arriving yet. Smalls was in her own little world when she hummed, it was like Baby with his music. It was always Smalls and her singing well at least it use to be.

Smalls dropped the clothes into the dirty clothes basket and turned seeing Baby. Her humming stopped almost instantly as she jumped lightly. "Jesus Baby, one day you're going to give me a heart attack." She mumbled placing a hand on her heart.

Baby smirked slightly. "Sorry, I heard your humming. I just wanted to listen." He said as her eyes fell to the almost clean floor. "Right. My humming." She said picking up more clothes. Baby never understood why she didn't sing. "Why don't you sing?" He questioned stepping into his room as he began to help her.

"Baby..I-I don't want to talk about this. Please just-" Smalls sighed closing her eyes as his question floated around her brain for a moment. "Whatever happened to you-" Baby started to say, Smalls raised her hand to stop him as she gave a small shake of her head.

"No." Was all she said before she dropped the last of the clothes into the basket. She left going into the bathroom to shower. Smalls closed her eyes letting out a small breath collecting herself. Jesus baby, I want to sing but I can't. Smalls thought as she walked over to the shower.

Smalls stripped down throwing her clothes in her own separate almost empty basket that sat in the bathroom. Smalls took her shower, she stepped out wrapping the towel around her.

There was a quick small knock on the door. "Baby." Smalls said going to the door, she opened it and there he stood. He had his jacket on, along with his sunglasses and his music. That only meant one thing. Doc called, Baby didn't even have to say anything.

Smalls huffed quietly before going to his room. She kicked the door closed behind her as she dropped the towel and quickly pulled on her clothes baby left out for her. She couldn't help but smile as she quickly slid on her jeans. She grabbed her socks and shoes, throwing the towel onto the hanger perfectly.

Baby had already said bye to Joe. Smalls shot joe a quick 'i love you' before running out the door and down to baby's car where he was waiting patiently. Smalls hopped in and they were was off before the door even closed.

Smalls slid on her socks and shoes. Her black shirt hung loosely on her, it made her realize it was Baby's. Smalls didn't complain, at least she wasn't naked. There was one time Doc called and she didn't have time to change, she got into the car with a towel. Baby didn't say anything, he made a face though. Luckily he had some clothes in the back. Doc was some what shocked to see Smalls arrive in a towel.

Baby pulled up to the building and Smalls hopped out as Baby turned the car off. He caught up with her quickly and they walked in together just like they normally do. Doc was there along with three other people. "Baby, Smalls you made it." Doc said causing everyone to look at them.

"Wouldn't miss this for the world Doc." Smalls said as Baby sat down without saying a word to anyone. "Doc, you got us working with kids?" Some dude asked looked back at Baby and Smalls.

Baby grabbed Smalls hand gently pulling her next to him. She hated being called a kid. Baby slid the opposite ear bud in her ear as she rested her arm on his shoulder. She yawned, she was tired. Doc always made calls, no matter what time of day.

"Yes I got you working with a bunch of fucking kids. Baby is the best fucking driver I have. Smalls is my go to, she's got computer for a fucking brain. The kid is smart as hell. And if you want to be successful tomorrow I suggested you shut your god damn mouth or hit the fucking elevator on your way out." Doc snapped causing the guy to shut up. Doc was blunt and straight forward which was scary as hell to anyone in his business.

Smalls smirked as leaned her head on Baby's shoulder. "Smalls, Baby, this is Darling, Buddy, and Griff. You'll be working with them tomorrow." Doc instructed looking over at them. Smalls eyed them waving to Buddy and Darling.

"Smalls, Baby, get over here." Doc said waving them over to go over the plan. Smalls stood along with baby, she sung the words to the song in her head. Baby sat in the last chair while Smalls sat on the arm rest but Griff eyed Smalls body.

She pulled out the ear bud and whistled snapping her fingers. This caught his attention. "Doc is teaching the lesson might want to pay attention. Education is important." She said referring to Doc as the teacher and the plan the lesson. This earned a laugh from Darling and smirk from Buddy.

"Alright here's the plan." Doc began. Smalls handed Baby back the ear bud as she yawned once again. "Smalls you with me?" Doc asked noticing her yawn. "Yeah doc I'm with you." She lied, no the hell she wasn't. She was exhausted, she needed some coffee.

Baby noticed how tired she was, he looked up at her. Baby wrapped his arm around her and pulled her across his lap sideways. Smalls felt baby pull her and she jumped a little being half asleep. She rested her legs over the arm of the chair, rubbing her eyes still listening to doc.

Baby set his hand on her knee and ran the other one through short brown her hair. He noticed Buddy and Darling looking at them every now and again. He didn't pay it any mind, he never did. Smalls closed her eyes rested her head on her hand that was propped up on the arm rest.

"Doc I don't think the kids got that." Griff said. Baby stopped running his hands through her hair and Smalls opened her eyes looking at him. Baby slid down his sunglasses and Doc smirked crossing his arms.

Smalls opened her mouth to make a snappy remark but closed it. "Are we done here? Can I go home?" Smalls asked looking at Doc. "Go." He said nodding. Smalls got up followed by baby who slid off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Thanks baby." Smalls said tiredly as she looked up at him. He nodded and they walked out going to the car. Where Smalls climbed into the back and laid down. Before she fell asleep she heard the roar of the small Subaru engine, and the faint beat of hit me baby one more time.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now