Late Night Heist

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They all sat out front of this high place people party. Doc some how got them on the list using fake names, Smalls name was Victoria. Baby got the name Henry. Like Doc seriously? Henry?

He had also introduced the 3 guys in the back of the car. Bats who was super rude and just unpredictable. J.D he was pretty cool and the other guy Nose or whatever he's goofy.

Baby motioned for the guys to get out and head inside while we to park the car. Smalls and Baby were never the ones to actually steal during a heist. They were always the beginning and the End of a Heist.

Tonight Smalls had to get close to a man Hector Alonso, so she could get into the safe upstairs. She had to search the computer for the code and they type it in.

She would feel her purse with only a quarter of the money. This was dangerous, if she was caught she'd be killed. Baby didn't want to do this but they had to. Baby parked and stopped Smalls.

"Be careful okay, if everything goes left. You leave us. Switch cars. Take the money to Doc. Get out of town." He told her as he handed her the keys. "Baby." Smalls said but he had already got out the car and began to walk inside. Baby got in and then Smalls got out.

You're okay Smalls breathe. She thought as she started to walk up the stairs to the guards. She placed the keys in her purse that she had emptied for the money. "Name please?" The guard asked looking at her.

"Victoria B." She said smiling sweetly to him. His eyes scanned the list before nodding and sending her inside. She let out a breath and looked at everyone in the huge room.

#1 Find Hector Alonso

Smalls walked over to the bar and saw Bats not to far down. "What can I get you today?" The bar tender asked. "A tequila." Smalls said smiling at him. He looked shocked that she asked for a tequila. "Sugar around the rim." She added with a small wink at the end.

The bar tender nodded quickly before walking off. "My type of girl." A voice said Smalls turned her head and saw Hector Alonso. She smirked well that was easy.

#1 find Hector Alonso; Done

"Really? I am? Let's see what you order to see if you're my type of guy." Smalls said smiling as she got her tequila. She took a small sip before looking at him. "Don't be shy, I don't bite. Much." Smalls said causing him to laugh.

He ordered vodka hardcore. Damn was this man trying to impress, her type of guy didn't drink. But Smalls played it off.

"I guess you are my type of guy." She said lying smoothly. She took another sip, and looked over at him. "You have a lovely place, do you mind showing me around?" She questioned.

#2 get him upstairs and to his office

"I do not mind at all, how about we start upstairs? It's more quiet and has more rooms. More excitement." Hector said Smalls agreed before looking over at Bats with a smirk. He nodded and got up from the bar.

"Coming mi hermonsa?" Hector asked. He knew Spanish. Smalls knew some not a lot. "Si,  Vamonos." Smalls said walking after him. He smiled hearing her Spanish.

He headed upstairs and Smalls was behind him. She looked around and spotted baby, he had his earbuds in as he stood off to the side. Baby nodded to Smalls before Bats came over to him. Once they were upstairs Smalls looked around.

"I never caught your name." He said looking back at her. She smiled wide. "Victoria." She said waving off the matter. "Do you do your work here too?" She questioned.

"Yes I do. My office, is right down there." He pointed to a room with double doors at the end of the hallway. "I would like to see it, I'm planning to make my own office and I would like to see how you have your office set up just to get an idea. If you don't mind." Smalls lied again. She was just so smooth with everything she did.

"Of course right this way." He said letting her go ahead of him. Smalls smiled and walked ahead of him. She was going to use her charm, she swayed her hips as she walked knowing he would look.

"Did you come alone tonight?" Hector asked more like stuttered. Smalls looked over at him and smiled nodding. "Yes I did." She said as he opened his door to his office. It was beautiful.

"Wow, this is amazing. Better then any office of mine." Smalls said shocked at all the artifacts he had around the room. She traced her finger around a vase. "Thank you." He said she saw his computer then a huge picture of him on the wall.

#2 get him upstairs and to his office; Done.

Smalls grabbed the vase feeling it was heavy. She picked it up when his back was turned and hit him in the back of the head, he fell to the ground. Smalls set the vase back down grabbed a cloth from her purse and wiped the vase down.

#3 Get the code, get the money, & get out.

She made sure he was still breathing before going over to his computer and typing in some things. After 30 seconds she was in and had the code. She logged out. Doc was right she did have a computer for a brain. She wiped down the computer keyboard and walked over to the picture on his wall.

Smalls sighed pulling it open using the cloth. She typed in the code, the safe opened. She smile and saw the money. She took the money she was suppose too, closed the safe wiping the key pad. Only his finger prints would be on it, and not completely gone.

She closed the painting and threw the cloth in her purse. He would wake up soon, so Smalls left the room quickly and went downstairs pulling out the keys. She went outside seeing baby and the guys by the car.

"Did you get it?" Bats asked. Smalls tossed Baby the keys as he hopped in the car. Smalls got in and so did the boys. "Yeah I got it. Baby hit it." Smalls said and baby sped off out the driver way and down the street.

"I underestimated you, good job." Bats said Smalls rolled her eyes. "Yeah thanks." She said Baby kept his eyes on the road the whole time.

He parked the car. "Car switch." He said pulling out new keys. Smalls got out quickly and they all piled into the other car. Baby started it up and drove smoother this time to Doc.

#3 Get the code, get the money, & get out; Done.

Baby parked in the parking lot and they all got out. Smalls got into the elevator first, the rest followed. They went to Doc's floor and then met up with him.

"Here." Smalls said dropping the purse on the table next to him. Doc opened the purse and smiled before looking at Smalls. "Great job Smalls, I might put you in the game." He said

"No. This was a one time only thing Doc." Smalls said shaking her head. Doc nodded agreeing. He took the money out made cuts and then handed them the money. "Next heist is the last one." Doc said as the three stood in the parking lot together.

He handed them each a stack and got a new burner before sending them off. Baby and Smalls got into there car and Smalls sighed taking off her shoes.

"Are you okay?" Baby asked as he began to drive home. "Yeah I'm fine. Are you?" Smalls asked resting a hand on his arm. He looked over at her as they came to a red light. "I am now." He said as the light turned green.

Smalls smiled and leaned back in her seat.

Mission accomplished.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora