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Smalls and Baby woke up early that next morning. Smalls was still tired, she made joe breakfast and got him settled for the day before leaving with baby.

"I'm so freaking tired." Smalls said sighing as she ran her hands through her hair. She looked over at Baby who had his shades on. She shook her head and turned to the window.

"I can stop." Baby said causing Smalls to look at him. "What?" She asked confused. He nodded his head toward Bo's diner. Smalls shook her head. "I'm good. Baby!" Smalls denied but he didn't listen and cut across a red light swiftly pulling into the diner parking lot.

"You know I don't like when you eat." He mocked when she stared at him. "You crazy little shit." She said laughing as she unbuckled the seat belt. Baby smirked as she got out.

"Want anything?" Smalls questioned going into the glove compartment and pulling out some money. Baby's eyes wondered, searching for hers. When he found them he nodded.

"Get me what you get." He said Smalls smiled nodding before closing the door and walking inside. She ordered Two breakfast bundles. It was just hot cakes, turkey bacon, eggs. She got them coffee for their drinks.

She paid and tipped before getting back inside the car. "We're going to be early." Baby said looking at the time. He pulled out of the diner and driver to the normal meet up building. Smalls grabbed their food and coffee.

Baby got everyone else Coffee, his name was scribbled on the top neatly. Smalls sat down at the table as Baby walked around giving everyone coffee. "Thank you Baby." Doc said and he got a few thank you's from Darling and Buddy.

Baby went and sat in his usual spot behind the abandoning sewing machines. "Baby." Smalls said. He looked up at her she grabbed his food and slid it across the room to him, she did the same with his coffee.

Smalls opened her container and went to eat when she reached for her fork, a hand grabbed it. She looked seeing baby, he leaned down and whispered quietly in her ear.

"You forgot my fork." And with that said he grabbed it and pulled back from her. Smalls smiled letting him take it before finding the other inside her bag.

"Is the kid retarded Doc?" Griff asked looking back at Baby who ate and nodded his head to the beat.

"Retarded as in slow? No he's not slow." Doc said drinking his coffee. "What is she like the puppeteer? She controls the boy?" Griff asked looking at Smalls.

Smalls licked her lips and raised her eyes to the guy. He looked at her smirking before he got up and walked over to Baby. Everyone watched intensely. "You a mute?" He asked as he sat in front of Baby.

"No." Baby said cutting a pancake. "Why do you listen to music?" He asked reaching forward to take his ear bud out. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Baby said

Griff snorted and crossed his arms. "Why?" He asked. Smalls stood over him with her hands on her hips. Baby pointed at Smalls.

Griff laughed this time. "What are you going to do?" He asked Smalls stepped back. "Wanna find out?" Smalls asked Griff stood up stepping toward her.

Smalls grabbed his arm and but he pushed her causing Smalls slap his hand away, stomped on his foot, then punch him square in the nose. She went to grab a very sharp pair of old cutting scissors but Baby grabbed her wrist to stop her.

Darling and Buddy were laughing their asses off. Doc simply smiled knowing it was bound to happen. Smalls crossed her arms and looked at Griff who was bleeding. "Do you wish to continue?" She asked

Griff shook his head. "Nah ki- Smalls I'm good." He said walking back over to the table. Smalls smiled and looked at Baby. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close, their faces were inches apart. He smelled like pancakes and car cleaner.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now