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It was a nice, cool sunny day. People were walking the streets, doing normal people things. No one would notice the small red car that held two youths. They were getting ready for a heist tomorrow and no one suspected a thing.

"Baby, you ready?" Smalls asked as they sat out front of a bank. Before each heist Smalls had to go in and take count of all the cameras, how many people are working that day, number of guards and so on.

Smalls was never alone, Baby; her best friend, her go to, her back up. He was always there right by her side. The only time they weren't together was during a job. Other then that they never left each other, they were inseparable.

Baby looked over at her and nodded

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Baby looked over at her and nodded. "Let's do this." He said Smalls smirked biting her lip before hopping out the car. Baby's eyes followed Smalls as she crossed the street. She stepped inside the bank and slid into line.

Her eyes swiftly and unexpectedly sweep the room in a matter of 60 seconds. Her mind calculated and swirled as she looked around the room. Bingo. She thought as she finished.

"Hi, I was wondering about the bank deposit process here." Smalls said smiling. The lady smiled. "It's just great, between me and you. It's not that good but I have to make it seem good. Because that's my job." She said laughing. Smalls laughed with her as her eyes fell on Baby.

Who was absentmindedly drumming on the steering wheel until he noticed Smalls looking at him. He looked at her and slid his shades down. He tapped his wrist, telling her to watch the time. Smalls winked at him before turning to the lady, who was telling her the whole process.

"You know what I think I might just come back tomorrow, to talk more about that bank deposit process." Smalls said looking at the women. The lady's eyes lit up causing Smalls to smile.

"Great, I'll see you then." She said as Smalls waved and walked out the bank, across to the car and into the passenger seat she went. "13 cameras, 4 guards, 3 open registers, and 3 people working." Smalls spoke to Baby who had started the car and was driving now.

"Good, Doc would like to hear that." Baby said as his shaded eyes skimmed hers before the road again. "This is our last one right?" Smalls asked reaching over and taking one of his earbuds, slipping it into her ear.

"No, the next one is." He responded pursing his lips as he made a sharp right and slowly pulled into a diner. "Right." Smalls said as she ran her hands through her hair.

They both owed Doc. They both took from him, so they had to give back what they took. When they both took from him, they weren't together, at that time they didn't even know each other. Baby took Doc's car with half the merchandise in it, while Smalls took other half earlier that day. Of course neither of them knew what they were carrying held so much value. Partners in crime even before they met. Coincidence how they both take from the same man on the same day.

Smalls was always hungry and they always came to the same diner. Smalls got out the car and stuffed her hands in her back jean pockets as she walked inside. "Hey Smalls, the usual?" Deborah asked as she saw her.

Deborah or Debby. Was the waitress at Bo's Dinner, also the girl who had a huge crush on baby.

 Was the waitress at Bo's Dinner, also the girl who had a huge crush on baby

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Smalls looked at her and nodded with a small smile. She sat in their normal booth, Baby plopped down next to her. Smalls sometimes thought Baby liked Debby back, but he never was a straight forward person.

"Baby.." Smalls spoke softly as she bit her lip. He slowly turned his head to look at her. Smalls reached toward his face slowly. "Take these things off." She scolded as her fingers laced around the sides of his sunglasses.

Baby made a small noise shaking his head as he grabbed her hand to stop her. Smalls slowly stopped and tilted his head down so she can look him in the eyes. "Why?" She asked slightly confused.

Baby opened his mouth to say something but Debby came over. "Smalls here's your usual, and Baby I got you a water." She said setting everything down. "Thank you Debby." Smalls smiled. Debby nodded beaming before her eyes fell on baby who was staring off into space as always.

"Get back to work Debby." Her boss yelled pulling her gaze away from baby. Debby looked at her boss sighing before saying. "Let me know if y'all need anything." And went to go help other customers. Smalls looked back over at Baby who removed his sunglasses.

"Did you eat today?" She questioned cutting into her pancake. Yes, Smalls always had pancakes when she came here. "No." He said not looking at her. "Want some?" Smalls offered sliding the plate of hot cakes toward him. He paused for a moment seeming to be thinking.

"No." He said shaking his head. Smalls nodded biting the piece of pancake on her fork. "Baby. You know I don't like when you don't eat." Smalls said reaching out and wiping a dark mark away on his cheek. This made him look at her. "I'm not hungry." He responded simply as Smalls pulled her hand away.

She was going to get him to eat whether he liked it or not. She always won, she was Smalls after all.

Smalls {Baby Driver}Where stories live. Discover now