22 : Shin-kun?

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Your POV

         You instantly awake from your sleep and staring at the ceiling. Your breathing quickened as your chest up and down. Your hands feel sweaty and your eyes feel wet as if you’ve just cried. That was scary and confusing. Was that a nightmare?  

        You inhaled a deep breath. It's just a dream. - A bad dream that happened because you have a pretty rough day for yesterday. Maybe because you keep thinking about Shin until you dreamed about him. Instead of your body, your mind needs a rest too. 

        “It’s just a bad dream, Y/n.” You let out a soft voice. It did feel real, but you don’t have a point to be scared, though. It’s more confusing to you….

        You turned your head to the side and take your phone. You frowned as you look at your phone screen. 8.15 a.m. There’s no school for today. So, you can continue to sleep for ten or fifteen minutes. You put your phone back at the nightstand. Then, you blinked as your hands lightly touched another hand on your stomach. 

        “Wait….” You finally noticed there’s a hand on your stomach. Whose hand, are these? It cannot be Takuya-san… Like, hell no. There's only one guy in your mind, right now; the guy who exists in your dream too. One possible guy that would do this to you without scared of any consequences. Just because he wants to….

        You quickly turned your head to the right and saw Shin was beside you. His face is really close to you. You can smell his cologne. The way he hugged you… seems like he scared to lose you in his arms. You don’t know why you still stiff in that position. Your mouth wants to scream. Your hands want to push him away. But you end up look at his face. - His sleeping face. 

        “I’ll always love you, Y/n. You’re my angel.”

        You’re smiling when you remember about your dream. His sleeping face looks so innocent just like in your dream. No wonder he looks so handsome to anyone else. - Of course, to you too. He’s an angel. Once, an angel. Now, he’s a fallen one. But still... he is a beautiful creature. The one who deeply falls in love with you…

        You shifted your body slowly as you can and facing his tall figure body. You started to question yourself about the dream you had while looking at his face. You do want to ask him. Moreover, ask him about the girl he talked with. But… He maybe doesn’t recognize that girl you’ll talking about anyway. 

        When Shin suddenly moves his head a little bit, you immediately closed your eyes. That was close. You don’t want him to see you were watching his face or even know about it. Not long after you close your eyes, you can feel his hand hugging, wrapping tightly till it reached your back. - Closed every tiny space that you have between him. Then, you feel a long kiss on your forehead. His breath exhaled softly and brushed your skin when he finished leaving you with a kiss. Your heart starts beating fast. Great….

        “Good morning, my precious... Y/n,” 

        You almost curse on your beating heart. Stop beating, heart!…Wait, don’t stop, heart. You will be dead if your heart stops. Your face keeps remaining calm. You want to continue to act like you were asleep. But, it gets worse to hold your act when you feel his lips roaming to the bridge of your nose. No… no… that’s very tempting…

        “Since you were asleep, maybe I should give you a kiss on your lips to wake you up, Y/n.” 

        Your eyes opened as fast as lightning. Damn! This guy already knows that you’re pretending. That’s why he tried to threaten you with a kiss. The way he smirks right now really bothers you. You pushed his chest away. That won’t work at all. He still is hugging you close to his body.

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