1 : Stupid Meeting

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It's been two days since Y/n arrived in Japan. Nothing unusual that caught her (e/c) eyes. Not that she expected something unusual, it just seems deadly same every place that she has been. Dull. Empty.

Y/n pushed her last box away from her. Her box that filled with clothes. By hook or by crook, she has to finish unpacking all of her stuff before school starts tomorrow. Plus, she really hates her room in a mess. She spend most of her precious time in her room. How is she going to survive if her room looked just like a garage sale?


Y/n looking at her door that's been slightly opened. She still waiting until her name being called for once again. Intentionally, she doesn't want to answer when her name was called earlier.

"Y/n, have you heard that I'm calling?" Y/n sister, Maya, already pushed the door and standing in front of Y/n. Her face doesn't look so pleasing seeing Y/n on the floor. Well, literally, her face always looks like that when Y/n comes around. Moreover, staying in her own house. For sure, Maya didn't look so please of her presence...

"Is there something you want, sis?" Y/n replied with an emotionless face. There's must be something that Maya wants from her.

"Have you not cook? What are you doing all day?" Maya asked, curious about her sister activities for today. It's been two days Y/n stays with her. Yet, she's still unpacking her stuff? Slowpokes!

"I'm almost finished." Y/n answered with a flat voice.

"Well, hurry up! I'm not giving you permission to stay at my house if you're being this lazy!"

"I'm not staying here because I want to...."

Maya stared at Y/n with annoyance on her face. This girl... this half-blood sister is the most pathetic, ungrateful girl. She is so nice to take her for living together in Japan. And that's how she got paid back? After she had to spend money for her living cost?

"You know what, Y/n?  I hate you since the day you were born. The only reason you got to stay at my house, just because of stupid dad's will. I'll get half of the money if I take care of you until you were nineteen. So, here's the thing. You'll stay here by my rules... or you get out of this house and stay anywhere you like in Japan. But I doubt you survive living without me since you don't even know anything about this country."

Y/n ducked her head down. Hiding her disappointed, angry face with her long (h/c) hair. Why is she not brave enough to be independent? Why is she had to depend on Maya? Because... Maya is the only family she's got. Both of her parents have died. Just like Maya, they both doesn't have anyone else. Well, at least Maya has a boyfriend.

"Get your big ass up and make me something." Maya walked out of the bedroom.

"Keep holding on, Y/n." (Y/n) sighed, got up from the floor and strode out of her room. She walked down the stairs, passed through the kitchen and opened the fridge. Not a minute later, a big sigh left from her mouth. There's nothing in the fridge. How can she make a dinner for today?

"Go buys groceries at the nearby store. You're in charge with housework from today." Maya puts the money at the table. Then, she climbed back to the stairs.

"Who do you think I am? A maid?" Y/n stepped lazily to the table and grabbed the money. Then, she walked to the front door, grabbed a brown sweater before getting herself out of the house.


"Stupid sister... stupid house... stupid life." Y/n furiously mumbled to herself. If she can live by herself, maybe she will. Maybe one day. Eventually... she will stay alone. Just wait until she finished her studies. Or even better, wait until she knows how to hang around in this town. For god sake, just be patient for a moment. 'You can do it, Y/n!'

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