new home

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Hazel's POV

I walked through the airport after finding my luggage, my eyes on the look-out for Jackson.

I scanned the area ahead of me and came across his bright smile.
He ran towards me and engulfed me in a warm hug.

"Hazel! I missed you so much!"

it had been 11 months since we had last seen each other. The even better thing was that this time, we will be together a lot longer because we'll be living together.

He took one of my bags out of my hand and we started to walk to his car. It was about 5.30 pm but luckily, the airport wasn't too crowded.


as we got in the car, Jackson turned it on and Home Run began blasting through the speakers.
I rolled my eyes and looked over at him while chuckling softly.
He let out a loud laugh and began singing along, I gave in and joined him.

"I've missed having you around Jackson"

-skip car ride-

we pulled up to a building and started to grab my bags.

"Welcome to your new home Hazel"

I looked up at him, beaming. I was so happy to finally be with him after so long.
We walked inside and it was quite spacious. There was a decent sized dining table too, Jackson must like to entertain.

"So where's my new room?"
I asked eagerly

"Right this way!"

Jackson led me up a staircase and down a hallway. I'm still confused on why he has such a huge house for himself.
I entered my new room excitedly! It had a double bed, a desk, a dresser and a closet, it was super cute and I was so grateful of Jackson for setting it up for me.

"It's beautiful! Thank you so much!"

I put my bags on the floor and ran to hug Jackson.

"I'm glad you like it! I'm so happy you could come live here"

Jackson replied, smiling.

He set my other bag down and ruffled my hair.

"I'll let you unpack your things, I'll go get us something for dinner"

he pulled his keys out of his pocket and walked back down the hallway. after turning the corner, he popped his head back around and waved to me.

"I will be about 20 minutes, make yourself at home... well, this is your home now"

He said giggling.
And with that, he was down the stairs and I heard the front door open and close again.

I put on some music and began to unpack my things.


I got quite into the music and must've been unpacking for a while because I didn't realise Jackson standing at the door.

He startled me with the burst of laughter he let out after watching me dance like an idiot.
I turned around, red faced, and shoved his shoulder

He faked a hurt look and held up a bag of food.

"I guess I'll go eat this by myself then"

he said and ran away giggling like an excited child.

"No, Wait Jackson! I'm hungryyyyyy"

I yelled, chasing after him.


we were sat together on the couch just catching up on each other's lives for the past 11 months.

"So how's everything been with the boys recently?"

I asked taking another bite of my burger.

"Brilliant! I'm happy with how we're going at the moment"

He pulled out his phone and checked the time.

"Actually, they should be home soon"

home soon?
did I hear him correctly?

I asked with a questioning look on my face

"yes, home. You didn't think I lived here by myself, right?"

of course.
no wonder the house was so big, the other members lived here with Jackson.
and now I was living here too

"Well o-obviously.."

I said nervously

"Don't lie Hazel, sorry for not mentioning it.. I just thought you would've known-"

"no worries Jackson, it's fine. It's not like I don't know the boys."

"You're the best"

He smiled at me and ruffled my hair

"I know"

I replied smirking

"anyways, I'm really jet lagged, I'm gonna go up to bed, Goodnight Jackson!"

"Goodnight Hazel, sleep well!"


I guess I'll be reunited with all the boys again in the morning!



sorry it's super crappy but hopefully I can improve! 🙏🏼

it will get more interesting too, this is just the intro

my Italics won't work for some reason so the I put the speech in bold instead🤷🏼‍♀️

enjoy 💖

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