Chapter 12

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I couldn't stop scratching my arm where the bracelet now took up temporary residence. Every ten minutes it would go off like Christmas lights bringing the itchiest sensation known to man. Apparently it's suppose to mean that Avery is near me but he never shows his face. It's been two days and he hasn't been to class, lunch or anything. I was starting to think that he actually listened to me this time. Maybe he decided to give me my life back.

“Hey Win,” Karen strolled up next to me. “What's up?”

Apparently she didn't understand when I said I was done with her. I don't need this. I'm not going to put myself through the pain of taking her back as my friend just so she'll betray me again.

I shoved my books back in my locker, closed the door and walked off.

“Win!” she called after me. I thought it would end with that, but I never truly get what I want. “Look, it's been a crazy week. We've both said some things that we don't mean, but I think we can get pass them.”

“I didn't say anything I didn't mean. You suck as a friend. I'm done being your welcoming mat.”

“I'm sorry, w-what do you want from me?” Karen whined, “you don't make it easy for people to like you. If you shut up about Peter Pan all the damn time, people would think you were normal. I tried to be a friend to you, but you made it hard. I lost so many friends because of you. Sometimes I use to hate you. I use to want to hurt you because you were ruining my life!”

Karen was too loud. Almost everyone stopped in the hallway to see what was going on. She just kept going. “Peter Pan does not exist Windy! This is the real world, not a fairytale! You have to grow up at some point.”

“I wish you told me this a long time ago Karen. It would have save you all those years of ridicule because of me. Why did you become my friend?”

She opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but thought against. It didn't matter because I was sure that I got my answer. “You don't know, do you?”

For some reason, that hurt me more than anything. My supposed best friend doesn't even know why she was my friend in the first place. She hated me. I brought everyone shame.

I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the warm liquid drip down my hand. I couldn't stop them so I ran. I ran until I found myself in a janitor's closet. I closed the door behind me and cried in darkness. It smells of must and disinfectant, but it was the only place I could get to.

I slid down one of the walls and cried into my knees. I was hoping to be able to let it out, but that didn't happen. Suddenly, the door opened and Avery was on the other side looking down at me. I quickly wiped my tears and scowled at him.

“You wanna tell me why you're in a janitor's closet?”

“You wanna tell me why you're suck a jackass?” I asked sarcastically. He frowned. “My life sucks, that's why. Now leave me alone.”

“Can't do that. You know I can't. What's wrong?”

“What makes you think there's something wrong? I could just be going through the moods,” I chuckled dryly. “Or it could be another one of my crazy girl problems.”

“Because I know you Win. Something’s wrong. Up!” he ordered.

I stood up and walked pass him. He followed behind. I didn't want to talk, let alone talk to him. He was the cause of all my problems, now he wants to rescue me. What a joke. He can't take back seven years of being ostracized by my peers.

“You don't know anything about me Peter! Seven years is a long time. I've changed a lot and maybe not for the better.”

“Yeah, but still know you. You haven't changed much. I will always know you Windy. I know that something is bothering you and all you're going to do is bottle it up and cry about it later. Why don't you talk about it now so you can skip the crying part?”

“I'm sorry if my crying is such an inconvenience to you. Not everyone can turn their feelings on and off, but then again, you have to have feelings to do that.”

“You know that's not what I meant. I just hate when you cry and I do have feelings. I still care about you.”

“Wow, that's a first,” I said sarcastically. “The great Peter Pan hates it when girls cry. And you still care about me. Wow, that's exactly what I wanted from you for the last seven years—friendship. You are suck a joke that it's not even laughable anymore.”

“Look, I understand that you're mad at me right now, but I'm not your enemy. I'm just trying to help,” he walked faster and caught my shoulder. “Listen!”

“What?”I turned and snapped at him.

He paused before saying, “Okay, this isn't working. No matter what I say to you, you'll never forgive me. So maybe, I'll let you forget the bad parts.”

“What?” I looked at him intensely. “What do you mean you'll let me forget the bad parts?”

“Just what I said. It will make everything better between you and me. You won't hate me or your life so much. We can finally start fresh.”

“No,” I shook my head fiercely, “No! You can't do that! I want to remember what you did to me. It's fueling my hatred for you. You have no right to take them from me.”

“I have to do this. I should have done this a long time ago,” his face took on a void look. Then in one swift movement, his hand was on my forehead and I saw dust. Damn fairy, was the last thing I remembered thinking.



“Windy,” a voice said, “...Windy!” My eyes snapped open and I was face to face with Avery. “How are you feeling?”

“I-I don't know. What happened?” I sat up. I was on the floor in I'm guessing Peter's house. “What's going on?”

“What do you remember about me?”

“What?” It was an odd question. Shouldn’t he be asking me if I'm seeing double or something?

“What do you remember about me?” He repeated. “It's important, I really need to know.”

Ooookaaaay,” I looked at him and said, “we'll you came back a few weeks ago from Neverland. You told me that you couldn't come back to me because you thought it wouldn't work out, but then you said you couldn't stay away. You asked me out on a few dates and now I'm here.”

“What about the lost boys?”

“What about them?” I asked. “You told me that they missed me and they wished they were here with us.”

“Do you remember me telling you to leave Neverland?” he asked.

“Yeah, Hook and Tok was chasing us and you told me to leave because you wanted to protect me. Right?”

“Yeah, right,” he rubbed my cheek, “that's exactly what happened. And what about Tok? What did I tel you about Tok?”

“You told me to never take off the bracelet because it's the only way you'll find me. You told me to never take it off because without it you couldn't protect me.”

“Yeah, that's right,” he let out an exasperated sigh.

“You're so weird sometimes,” I reached up and kissed him on the lips.

“Whoa, what was that?” he looked shocked. It wasn't a bad shock, but a genuine shock.

“I'm kissing my boyfriend. Is that okay?” I chuckled.


“Yes, boyfriend. Peter, are you feeling okay?” I felt his forehead. “Your acting a little strange, even for you.”

“Yeah, I-I'm fine. I'm just glad to have you back,” he hugged me. Then he kissed me. “Everything is exactly how I wanted it.”

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