Chapter 8

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I decided not to take the bus and just walked home. I knew it would be a while so I took my time. I really need some time to think about everything. Avery was Peter and I know that for sure. Karen is going in a downward spiral and I have no clue as to how to help her.

“Keep walking,” someone said from behind me. I gulped and my breathing slowed. I didn’t know what was happening. I didn’t know who this could be. It would be ironic though. A crazy being killed by a crazy.

“What?” I tried to turn around but they stopped me and pushed me forward.

“I said keep walking,” he voice said. “Keep straight, through those woods.” He pushed my forward again and I almost lost my balance. I started breathing again but the fear was still there. This is what I get for not taking the bus. Everything I do seem to have consequences.

“I-I don’t have any money,” I stuttered. “I can get some though. I just need to get to an ATM, that’s all,” a knot formed in my throat and I was about to cry.

“Silly girl, I don’t want your money.” He whispered in my ear, “I want your body.”

“No!” I turn around and pushed him away. “Avery!” I shouted.

“Y-you were s-so scared,” he laughed. “Lighting up Windy.”

“You’re such an asshole. Stay away from me,” I turned and continued down my path.

“Come on, it was just a joke,” he jog up to walk next to me. “You use to be so much fun. Now you’re dull. What happened to you?”

I ignored his rude remark, “And that was always your problem Peter, you never knew how to grow up,” I frowned.

“Wow, what has gotten us so bent out of shape?” he asked.

“Nothing. Just leave me alone,” I said and quickened my pace. “Go f-up someone else’s life. I’m done with you and your freaky dreams. I know you’ve been coming to me in my dreams.”

“What? You have been hearing me in your dreams.”

“Oh now you’re going to act like it wasn’t you,” I frown. “Whatever, it doesn’t matter anymore. I want you to stay the hell away from me. I don’t even want to see your face.”

“Windy,” he stopped walking and I turned around, “I don’t come to your dreams. After I sent you away, I stayed away.”

“Then who’s been giving me those dreams? I hear your voice Peter. In class the other day, I made a fool of myself because I thought you were calling me back to Neverland so I could see you again.”

“Honestly, I haven’t contacted you until I got here. I wanted you to forget me and the lost boys. I wanted you to have a normal life.”

“I don’t believe you,” I shook my head and walked off.

“Windy!” he called. “Windy!” I ignored him.



I got home an hour later. My mom and immediately bombarded me with question after question. It wasn’t normal for me to walk home and given my “condition” mom and dad pretty much forbid me to walk anywhere that took more than five minutes.

“Where have you been?” she asked menacingly. “You’re an hour and a half late. Where were you Win?”

“I walked,” I replied before I slipped pass her and ran upstairs.

I didn't feel like telling her about today. I went to my room and plopped on my bed. Not long after, I doze off.


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