-Thirty- * -Nineteen Days-

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Savannah was shocked, it was the first time in a while that Vincent made her speechless. “Whatever..” She scoffed after ten seconds of silence. “That’s what I thought, now lets go” Vincent snapped this time, she could feel the annoyance radiating off of him.

Following Vincent, she decided against saying anything more in fear of just pissing him off even more, rolling her eyes to herself they walked down the stair case and into the hallway that held Payne’s office. Vincent knocked on the door before just opening it and stepping in, allowing Savannah in before closing the door behind her. 

“You called for me?” Savannah said, she didn’t care what Vincent said or thought. She knew that these vampires needed her blood and she wasn’t going to bow down, she would make this more interesting, they needed her. Why would they drain her then kill her? Despite the fact that they only need her blood, there had to be a reason that they kept her alive this long. For all she knew they could have killed her form the very beginning instead of capturing her and turning her into a vampire slave.

“How do you like your room?” Payne asked sitting patiently at his desk not giving Savannah the satisfaction of her cockiness. “It’s not bad” Savannah inhaled deeply trying not to smirk at the shock face on Payne’s face, although it didn’t last long the annoyance emotion was splattered upon his face as well as Vincent’s. 

“Very well, I just wanted to know how you are doing, Savannah at midnight you will have 19 days until your eighteenth birthday, are you excited?” 

“To be a blood donor to a bunch of vampires that killed my mother, thrilled.” Savannah didn’t say another word as she stood from the chair and left Payne’s office leaving both him and Vincent shocked and bewildered. 

“Savannah?” A familiar voice sung, “Kayla!?” Savannah screeched before running up to her and hugging the mother figure that stood before her. “We need to talk” Savannah didn’t understand what the serious tone meant, but she didn’t have time to ask before Kayla pulled her aside. “At midnight, I will meet you outside the same place you will meet Ben… I will explain everything later” She winked curtly before walking off and leaving Savannah to her curious thoughts.

“Let’s go for a walk” A simple voice stated behind her, whipping around she was face to face with Vincent. Gulping down her shock she stood fiercely before replying “I’d rather not” and began to walk off. Vincent grabbed her arm forcefully, “Too bad” He pulled Savannah with him, until they reached the castle grounds, where the forest lay. 

Rolling her eyes Savannah pulled her arm from Vincent. “What do you want?” She was about ready to scream at him. “We still haven’t had a real talk.. Just talk and walk with me..” Savannah saw the pleading in his eyes and found herself cursing mentally for her legs that betrayed her mind.

“I know you may never get over the fact that I killed your mother, I realize how hard that must be..”

“Oh do you? Because I didn’t pretend to fall for you and then let you find out that I killed your mother just to use you for your lousy immortal blood, I didn’t bad stab you and kidnap you beyond your wishes, I didn’t rip you away from your life that was just fine before I came along.. I didn’t do any of that to you. You have NO idea what this feels like or how hard it must be, so shut the fuck up already”

Savannah turned stiffly and walked away furiously the traitor tears falling from her face. “I hate you” She whispered while walking away, she knew that his vampire ears would pick it up. And as he didn’t follow her she knew that he had gotten the message.

Savannah was on her way to her room before a small brunette stopped her. “Hi, Miss Savannah. I-I’m Denise, and I-I’m going to be your sla-I-I mean maid… I am wherever you need me”

Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن