Chapter Two- Living In The Present

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(The cover above is made by Masked_Stars. She did a great job! ❤️)

Ryan's POV~ Two Years Later; Age 17

"Get Down!" Braiden shouts, but I'm already two steps ahead.

Bang, Bang, Bang!

Gun shots ring out around me and I know I've got to find better cover than the small table I'm hiding behind. Quickly, I scan my surroundings, my eyes land on the fridge. Why would I hide behind this of all things? The answer to your question is because there's a wall on one side with the refrigerator on the other. This leaves me protection on both sides.

"Psst, Braiden!" I whisper, motioning for him to cover me while I try to get to my spot. He nods his head and I take off.

"There's the girl!" I voice yells.

Shit. Here I thought they knew where I was, guess not. The boss is going to be mad at me now. Quickly I shoot some blanks there way, make it to the refrigerator and hit the red button.

A voice come across the intercom system, "Alarm initiated, practice is ended."

The team emerges from their hiding places and we meet in the center to discuss today's drill.

"Alright," Jackson, our leader, speaks first, "overall, practice today went well. There were a few things I took note of, starting with Michael." 

Michael is another kid my age with blonde, shaggy hair and blue eyes. He's the nice jokester in the group that literally everyone loves and also one of my best friends here. Since I'm the only girl working for L.U.X, I've had to become close to the guys around here. That's fine by me though, because girls are petty, dramatic and downright annoying. I zone back in on what Jackson is saying.

"Michael, you did well today, but remember we're only shooting blanks, so you don't have to rush over to people with band-aids when they get "shot", alright?" Jackson tells Michael with an eye roll and we all chuckle.

Michael does this all of the time. He thinks it's funny to go up to people and act like they're dying even though we're not actually using bullets.

Jackson talks again, snapping me out of my thoughts. "The next person I would like to focus on is Braiden. Great job today, I didn't see any problems in what you were doing."

Braiden just nods his head and keeps his steel expression. That's something you should know about him, he hardly ever smiles and is always serious. His hair is dark brown, eyes green, and he's very muscular. Definitely the best looking one here, but very rude.

"Lastly I want to focus on you, Ryan." Jackson says and all the eyes turn to me. "You are doing okay, but need to work on your patience. If you keep running without looking for the enemy, you will get hurt."

Braiden scoffs and I narrow my eyes at him. Like he's so perfect, even if his eyes are my favorite color green and he has a chiseled, muscular-

"Ryan! I said is that clear." Jackson shouts and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Ahh, yes sir." I reply, my face turning crimson. I've got to stop zoning out like that!

"You may all leave now. Training will be at the same time tomorrow." Without another word he exits the room.

An arm swings around my shoulders, and right away I know that it's Michael.

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