11. fire.

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No one was prepared for it to happen or even expected it. Except for maybe Vanessa. It happened late at night when the darkness had taken over and everyone was tired. It was a strange group that was responsible for it as well. The fire stole seven lives that day. In the official reports, it's stated that eight of the Hale family members died, which means that only three remained alive. Derek, Peter and Laura. The fact that a fourth member survived was a secret that only Vanessa and her father knew off.

Ever since Derek claimed she was just jealous of him and Kate, Vanessa had ignored him. Not highkey ignoring him where it's obvious and childish, but just not bothering greeting him. Or looking at him. This also applied to Peter. She had Zaina and the rest of the cheerleading team to hang out with. She even told Zaina about their fight, leaving out the parts where Kate was a dangerous werewolf hunter.

"What a sharmuta." Zaina muttered once she was done explaining. Vanessa lightly raised her eyebrows in amusement and chuckled, since she knew exactly what that word meant — it was Zaina's favorite curse word in arabic.

"Yeah. I just don't get where that comment came from, we've never been those people, you know. What's there to be jealous of? I don't want to be with him in that way and believe me, this Kate girl is nothing to even be slightly jealous of. She's got an ugly personality." Vanessa ranted, putting a french fry in her mouth. They were currently eating in a pizza place because Vanessa felt like she needed to hang out with someone more human and normal. Being all alone was driving her crazy.

"I believe you. I know what you and Derek are like and it was so immature of him to say that." Zaina agreed, sending her friend a reassuring smile. "And just so you know, I know a lot of guys who are interested."

"Who says I'm interested in guys?" Vanessa asked, holding a strong pokerface. Zaina nearly choked on her food.

"I just assumed, oh my–"

"Zee, breathe." Vanessa laughed and shook her head weakly. "I'm kidding. I think. It's not like I've focused enough on romance to know. Women are sexy as hell too."

"Indeed they are." Zaina raised her glass with soda and they carefully toasted their glasses against each other to beautiful women out there. "All jokes aside, why haven't you focused on romance? I mean, you're not the type to spend all your time studying, and even if you're busy as hell with hobbies, half the world's population consist of guys. You can't not meet one."

Vanessa's smile died slowly as she was asked that question. She looked down at her lap and contemplated telling her friend. Sure, she had only known Zaina for about a year and a half, but they were close — even if they didn't hang out all the time. She trusted her. But she just couldn't. It'd put Zaina in too much trouble, if her friend would even believe her. Vanessa wouldn't believe anyone unless she wasn't a werewolf herself.

"I don't know. I just... Have other priorities. Yeah, I've met a lot of guys but I don't get too deep. I'm also a bit weird. For some reason, I'm hard to connect with."

"Not that hard, we're friends, aren't we?" Zaina smiled and nudged Vanessa's leg with her foot under the table. "Anyone would be lucky to be your friend."

"Oh gods, this is so cheesy." Vanessa snorted and buried her forehead against her palm.

"Which gods this time?" Zaina smirked and tilted her head to the side. She also knew about Vanessa believing in everything or nothing.

"I'm feeling the egyptian ones." Vanessa slowly nodded to herself and grinned.

"My folks." Zaina cheered and leaned back.

"Anyway, there's someone I need to talk to. I'll see you later." Vanessa sighed, not wanting to leave at all. Zaina pouted sadly and batted with her eyelashes, forcing her friend to literally look away to not stay. "I'm sorry, but it's important."

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