Explanation To Understand

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There will be 2 kinds of chapters. Mist and No Mist. Mist or (M) is mortals meeting demigods with the mist, so they can't see everything. No Mist or (NM) is mortals meeting demigods when the mist has fallen so they can see everything. There might be a few chapters where it doesn't matter if the mist has fallen or not, for gods, Sally, Fredrick, and Helen (Percy's mom, and Annabeth's dad and stepmom.) 

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Skin tone:

Outfit style:



Macie Carter


Straight waist length blonde (bleached)

Baby blue (contacts)

Tan (Tanning salon)

Short skirt and crop top with 5 inch heels

Not very smart, daddy's girl, school queen bee, rude, mean, bully, thinks she's all that and a piece of cake.

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