My chain of thoughts were broken when I heard my name.
" Number 5 Miss Onika Coulin; Mr Agustin will see you next."

Oh god help me!
I walked towards elevator number 2. The guard standing there took my key card and read the number and code on the card to make sure it was valid and directed me towards the elevator. After about 3 minutes I was finally standing out side the door of the one an only the CEO of De Luca Corporation, Mr. Agustin De Luca.

Mustering my courage I knocked at the door.
"Come in" came his authoritative Voice which made my confidence flater a bit but nonetheless I took a deep breath in and turned the door knob to enter his cabin.

The cabin was beautiful to say the least. The interior looked quite expensive. After scanning the room my attention deviated to a man sitting on a master chair in front of a laptop in his elegant Armani suit, holding my future in his hand.
His face was partially hidden by the laptop. I could see his well trimmed brown hair and his sharp jaw line from the sides. He gave me a feeling of vague familiarity.

Than an amused and familiar voice greeted me "if you are done checking me out than please take the seat opposite to me. I don't have whole day."

I looked up to see a pair of hazel eyes staring right back at my blue once in amusement. Realization suddenly hit me hard like a thunderstorm.

Oh my dear god in heaven! Did I just entered the lion's den? I am doomed to hell.

"I hate repeating myself I said sit down miss. Onika"
And like a lost puppy I just followed his command.

He was going through my CV. I sighed in relief . Does that mean I still have a chance. Is it possible by any means that he didn't recognize me. But my day dreaming was short lived.When he looked straight into my eyes. I must be looking like I will cry this instant. His deep hazel eyes were swimming in amusement and his lips were twitching as if he is trying hard not to throw into fit of laughter and with that I knew that he knew.

Why didn't the ground just open up and swell me in. It was just a damn fucking line. Why didn't I let him go first? Why do I have to be so fucking much stupid to jeopardize my whole future for that stupid line. What do I do now? Shall I beg him? Will it work? Oh god he isn't gonna spare me after the stunt I pulled today. Is there any chance that I can get this job. Oh come on whom am I kidding for the time being I should just pray he doesn't ban me from the whole state or may be I should just worry about whether or not he will kill me. No no no I can't let this happen I will beg if need be but I won't allow him to spoil my whole career.

"So miss Onika..." Before he could go any further I started my blabbering as if my life depends on it.
"I am really sorry sir I didn't mean what I said at the petrol pump. You are not a sick fuc...."shit why can't I just keep quit. I am so dead. Why did I reminded him of that. Oh god I guess I have a death wish why else?

" Please Forget what I said..I..I.." I wanted to clear the shit I have just scattered but nothing came out of my mouth and I was just gaping like a fish.

"Are you done?"

"I was going through your CV. Your qualifications are good but you are lacking in job experience..."

"Yes sir actually..."

""Did I ask you to speak? Didn't the receptionist warned you not to speak unless asked to. Don't you dare interrupt me in between. Got that."

"Yes sir. I am sorry sir" was all I could say but not before giving him an irritated look.

"So as I was saying you are lacking in experience but I would like to give you a chance. So miss Onika you are hired."

"What?!" Did I hear him right? I stared at him wide eyed. He flashed me his arrogant smile and said "you heard me."

For a moment I was on the ninth cloud but wait a second. No no no I am not getting good vibes about it. I narrowed my eyes at him and blurted out "what are you playing at."

He raised his one brow at me, amusement never leaving his face." I didn't expected that usually when I say some one 'you are hired' they are like thanking me and telling me they won't disappoint me and all those shits. This is a new one."

"Oh come on I am not that naive of course you are playing with me. I have heard you fire staffs just because they didn't put right amount of sugar in your coffee and here we are after having a full session of cat fight with you, you are telling me I am hired. Just like that. What's the catch?"

" let me get this straight. You will rather have another round of cat fight with me than accepting the job then I am in for it . The choice is yours. What will it be."

Oh god I can't let this chance slip from my hands. Whatever it is I am ready for the challenge. I have worked way to hard for this to let it go so, I answered without hesitation " the job it is."

"Good decision. Very well then. I will tell my secretary to give you the appointment letter. Be here tomorrow on 8:00 am sharp. I hate late comers. You can go now. See you tomorrow."

"Thanku sir" with that I left his office with a big smile plastered on my face.
I woke up because of sudden commotion and realized that it was already morning. I have to resume my work from today. I don't want to go at all but I have to. I have already delayed it very much and more over Alex is fine now. His nanny can take care of him. But I don't know why I am having these negetive vibes about going to the office. May be I am overthinking, may be it's just because I don't want to leave Alex and anyways no way in hell my life could get any worse.

With that I left for the office.

Grieving Hearts [Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن