Last Author's Note

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Hey guys this is just a final note telling about my next story and other information. 

First- I just want to let everyone know that this story will be taken down for a short while for editing. But to every reader that has finished you will not have to reread it because I'm just fixing grammar nothing is being added or taken out.  

Second- We reached 2.5K reads!!!! Can you believe people are actually reading this, it's just crazy. I know it's not much but I'm still hoping more people will read and vote more. The reads are still going up slowly so that means something. So thanks to my followers and readers, without you my story wouldn't be here. 

Third and Final- My next new story will be out around December or January. I know that's going to be forever away but trust me it will be (hopefully) worth the wait. So here's a small preview of the  summary:

Mission: Lucy Heartfilia 

Lucy's family was killed by the mafia (Grimoire Heart). Lucy was taken into secret services were she changed her name to, Ashley Heart. Natsu Dragneel, Special agent, body guard. His next mission is to watch over and protect the famous model and actress, Ashley Heart. With mafia, Grimoire after her family's fortune she must move around more often and stay away from the limelight. Will this star be able to stay hidden and away from the people after her or will it all end.

I know it sounds pretty lame and a basic Nalu fanfiction, but I really hope you read it when it's out.  BUT this is not the official summary, for the next few months I will work on it and the chapters. So it WILL get better. Thank you for reading this boring note and see you next book guys! THIS BOOK IS ALREADY IN THE WORKS SO PLEASE DON'T STEAL MY IDEA'S. I trust you guys won't steal, but this happens to lots of authors and so if you see anyone with a story with the same title or very similar description please tell me or even if it's the opposite and I some how took someone elses story please notify me. 

Bye minna and catch you later

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