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- time lapse to next friday, the last day of school -

( my timing in the story is so off rip )

I wake up smiling oddly enough because it's THE LAST DAY AH. Today, I have only my French and Chemistry and Cat has Art and Chemistry too since it's a half day. I get up and since I had time, I also put my contacts on and picked an outfit which consisted of a pair of shorts with a black t-shirt and black converse. I grab my purse since backpacks weren't allowed the last week. I eat some cereal and then am driven to school. My mom drops me off and heads off to work. I meet up with Cat by the front stairs and talk about whatever, mostly how we were probably gonna fail our chem finals bc same. 10 minutes later, the bell rings. We head up the stairs and go inside. We split up, saying our goodbyes, me heading downstairs and Cat heading outside. I walk inside and start the day by getting it over with.

The bell rings soon after I turn my final in. I grab my stuff and head upstairs to chemistry. When I get there Cat's already at her table, which is the one in front of me. We talk from across our tables quietly until the bell rings. ''Good luck, we'll need it,'' I mouth. She smiles and nods her head. The teacher passes out finals and then we start. ''No phones until you finish, you may begin.''

cat 💋

dude that was way harder than the

final in my first period

me too i might have failed smh

now we have 20 minutes left until

the bell rings

i just wanna leave already i can't

believe summer's so close

it's so close but so far

soon, soon !

The clock finally strikes 12 and everyone jumps with happiness and rushes out of the class. Me and Cat grab our stuff and run out. ''It's finally here!'' ''SUMMER.'' We go to the cafeteria and eat our last meal from the year real quick. Roger joins us for lunch and we all just sit and talk about our summer plans. I tell Cat I'm going to say bye to a few teachers so she can say bye to Roger. I told her I would meet up at the front of the school by the buses. She nods and I leave.

I make my way outside while saying bye to some girls I had class with. I spot Cat near her bus and I rush down. I hug her and say, ''It's not like I'm not gonna see you but I'll still hug you.'' She laughs and says, ''Dude, later let's go out for ice cream to celebrate.'' I nod and say, ''That sounds great, text me details! Bye.'' She waves and boards her bus. A few minutes later the buses all drive away from the school and I see my mom's car coming. I grab my things and head to where she's parked. I get in and close the door behind me. ''How was school?'' I smile and say, ''Good! It's summer now and I'm so happy!'' She laughs and starts driving. On the way home, we stopped and picked up some food. I get home and eat with my mom. We finish eating and I go to my room and take my shoes off. I hope in bed still in my clothes for later and watch tvd, of course, for a good while.

At 4:30, me and my mom go pick my sister up from school and bring her home while she tells us about her day. When we get back, I ask my mom if I can go over to Cat's. She says yes and I go brush my hair and put my boots on again. Before I finish, my mom's boyfriend comes over after getting off of work. I go tell my mom that I'll be back and she said he was going to take me since he didn't mind. I sigh but nod. I go outside and we soon leave, me telling him directions on how to get to her house. He drops me off and I thank him and go knock on the door. Cat opens the door and says, ''Hey! Missed you already.'' I laugh and say, ''It's been forever, I know.'' She smiles and says, ''I was about to text you since you didn't text me, me and Mario were about to go get you.'' Mario comes into the living room and waves. I wave back and smile. ''I was going to walk here I was about to text but my mom told me otherwise last minute,'' I say directing my attention back to Cat. ''He dropped me off right now because he had gotten there from work early.'' She nods and Mario interrupts, ''Who? I'm lost.'' I say, ''My mom's boyfriend.'' He notices and nods. ''Sorry, I didn't know-'' I look at him and say, ''Don't worry about it, it's okay, I was going to tell you eventually so it's okay.'' He smiles and I say, ''But anyways! Are y'all ready to have fun?'' Cat and Mario both smile and nod a lot. ''We'll go in my car since the place is not as close.'' We nod and head out.

i don't even know your name ; mario selmanWhere stories live. Discover now