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Linda's POV:

I check the time again and it's only 2:35 pm.


I hear someone whisper say my name, I turn around to see Cat looking as lost as I am.

''do you get any of this??'' she says referring to our Chem work. I laugh and say, ''hm, let me think about it, nope.'' She gives me a look before laughing too. Our teacher left for a meeting at the beginning of class and left us with worksheets over a subject no one knows, which is super helpful.

''We need to get this done!'' I sigh frustrated. Cat agrees and says, ''well I mean I would but I can't focus right now.'' I laugh and say, ''how about we do it after school, you can come over?"

Cat texts her mom to ask and she says that I can come over and stay for dinner since my mom is working late today. I get excited and say, ''wait, how are we going to do this then?'' Cat debates but says. ''oh! i know! Mario took Chem last year, we can just ask him to help us.''

I flush a little even though I already knew he would be there. It's been like two months but after Cat told me about what happened the other day at their house, I'm honestly super nervous to go for the first time.

Cat sees me in thought and snaps her fingers and says, ''um hellooo?'' ''Oh, sorry, I was just um thinking.'' She says, ''I'm guessing because I mentioned Mario?'' while smirking. ''Oh Cat, I hate you'' I say while laughing. She says, ''I love ya too.''

We both laugh and right then, the bell rings. We both get up and get our backpacks and head out. I walk her to her bus and go back upstairs to wait for my mom.

My mom gets there 20 minutes later, and soon we are home, I go get some cookies and come back to my room when I see a message light up on my phone

bestf 😈💋: when u coming over??

me: give me a sec

''hey mom, Cat wants me to go over to work on homework and study , can I go, since you're leaving soon??'' I call out.

''yes of course just ask her mom to bring you back and take your key to unlock the door'' she replies.

I go get my bag and take my journal and laptop along with my phone and charger. I change into some black adidas sweatpants and a gray hollister hoodie and brush my hair down a bit before heading out.

me: on my wayy :)

I put in my earphones and start on my 15 minute walk to the Selmans' house.

I soon reach the maroon house. I take a deep breathe and unplug my headphones and put them up real quick. I make sure I have everything and go up and ring the doorbell.

here goes nothing

Mario's POV:

I finish my Physics quiz and go downstairs to get a snack. As I reach the bottom step, I see Cat in the kitchen talking to Mom. I get closer and hear her say, ''She'll be here soon, her mom's about to leave for work.'' Mom responds, ''Of course mija, she's always welcome here.'' I go in pretending I didn't hear and say, ''Hey, what's going on?'' Cat turns to me and says, ''oh a friend's coming over'', smiling, then going upstairs. I nod and grab a water then go back to my room.

I'm on facetime with Weston when I hear the doorbell ring. I wait for Mom to get it but she doesn't and idk where Cat is so I tell Wes10 to wait and make my way downstairs, I see Cat and she says, ''Can you get it.'' I make my way to the door and open it to see a girl turn around and smile shyly at me. It's dark out but I can make out her features. I hear Cat behind me say, ''Hey!'' I open the door widely and motion for her to come in. She steps inside and I now see why she looked so familiar.

''Glad you made it!'' Cat says to the girl.

''Thank you for letting me come'', she replies with a warm smile.

Cat sees me staring at her and smiles saying, ''You can go put your stuff in my room.'' She follows her upstairs while I go back to my room.

I hear Mom say it's time for dinner so I go on FaceTime and say, ''Hey, gotta go eat dinner, I'll see ya later loser, bye.'' He says, ''alright see ya bbg.''

I put my phone to charge and go downstairs to see everyone sitting down at the table. I sit in the seat next to Cat and begin eating.

time lapse

Cat and the girl finish and go back to her room. I am putting up my plate when I hear Cat yell out, ''Mario!''

''What!?'' I yell back.

''Come here please'', she responds.

I go up the stairs and into her room where she is spread out on her bed facing her textbook on the floor and her friend who is sitting criss-crossed on the bean bag chair with her computer in her lap. I stand at the door and Cat says, ''Can you help us with homework?''

''I don't know, can I?'' I respond.

''Stubborn much'' the girl says under her breath. Cat laughs out and I respond, ''You're probably one to talk, smart one, yet your asking me for help on homework?''

She looks at me dirty then says, ''SO are you helping or not.''

''Hm, that's what I thought,'' I reply smirking. Cat says, ''It's Chemistry.''

She hands me the worksheet and says, ''It's over compounds and forming acids.''

I look at the formulas and say, ''This is easy, so you just look at the chart and match it with the elements in your problem.''

Cat still looks confused, but the girl says,''Ohhhh, I get it, so if this matches with those three elements on number 3, the answer would be nitric acid?'' I look at the paper and smile at her and say, ''WRONG!''

She says, ''ugh, kms'' and I smirk and say, ''I'm just kidding, yes your right, nice job.''

She blushes, it's so cute.

Cat coughs and says,''Okay, can you explain it then, Mario is no help.'' She laughs and I say, "hey, she understood, she gets me" while laughing. She laughs and says, "Hm your right Cat, he is no help, I got you."

Cat says, "Thanks for the help tho M" and goes back to her work. I guess it's time for me to leave, even though I really don't want to. I get to the door and leave to my room, knowing this isn't the last time I talk to that girl.

updating more starting today, school's been stressful but thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed 

xoxo, L :)

i don't even know your name ; mario selmanWhere stories live. Discover now