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Linda's POV:

''I really like your car,'' I say as we start on the way to my house. He looks at me and I say, ''Sorry, that was random.'' He laughs and says, ''Thanks, it's new-ish.'' I nod and text my mom that I'm on my way. I decided to not tell her Mario's taking me, much less driving, so I just said I would be there soon. He looks over and asks what I'm doing. ''Oh, just texting my mom, telling her we'll be there soon,'' I say. He asks, ''We?'' I respond, ''I mean me haha, I didn't tell her you were taking me, I feel like she would have a weird reaction if I said that.'' He looks over and says, ''What do you mean?'' I think for a second and say, ''Well I mean if I told her a guy was driving me back home, she would probably get the wrong idea as opposed to what it actually is.'' 

He nods and says, ''That makes sense, and it would be interesting for that to go down, you're smart.'' I smile and say, ''I know, jk thanks.'' And add, ''Plus, a guy's never driven me anywhere so my mom would have an even bigger reaction.'' He asks, ''Like ever?'' I shake my head and say, ''Like boyfriend wise, no, and I don't have friends that are guys, besides you, but your-'' I stop and realize I should probably stop talking about this. I look out the window and he says, ''I'm what-.''

''You're Mario,'' I say laughing.

''Mhm,'' he responds.

''I'm kidding, well not about that but your different, that's what I was going to say.''

He looks at me and smiles.

''What,'' I say looking at him.

''Thank you, that's really sweet.''

I smile while looking out the window.

''And if it's any constellation, you're different too.''

We both smile and look ahead at the view.


Soon I see my house down the street. Mario parks right in front of it. He's about to get off but I say, ''It's okay, I got it.'' He nods and watches me get my stuff. I'm about to open the door but I turn to him and say, ''Thank you.'' He has a confused look and says, ''For what?'' I say, ''For bringing me, for yesterday outside, I don't know, just everything I guess.'' He smiles and says, ''Anytime, you know I'm always here for you.'' I smile and I get out of the car. I put my backpack on and pull my hair back. I close the door and go up the stairs. I'm about to open the door when I hear him again.

''Wait!'' I hear. I turn around confused and see him. He opens the car door and grabs my hoodie that's laying on the floor. He closes the door and starts walking to me. 

''Oh my God, I'm sorry,'' I say as he nears me.

''It's okay, Linda,'' he assures me.

''Only I would,'' I say while laughing.

''Hey, at least I noticed before I got home,'' he says laughing too.

I smile and he hands me the hoodie. I look down and smile.

''Thank you. Again,'' I say laughing.

''And again, I say of course,'' he says.

We both look at each other and smile.

''I don't want it to get late, for my mom, but again thank you, I appreciate it,'' I say.

He smiles and nods.

''Text me when you get home?'' 

''Of course,'' he says smiling.

''I'll see you soon, probably on another day after school haha,'' I say.

i don't even know your name ; mario selmanWhere stories live. Discover now