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Enjoy :))

Linda's POV :

recap - I immediately help the person up and say, '' Oh my God, I am sooo sorry.'' '' don't worry about it, I'm fine'', they reply. I look up to the person to see....




''are you sure you're okay?'' I say kinda nervously.

''i'm positive'', he says while slightly grinning.

I don't know what to do, I can't function, I mean how could I, the girl was right, they are here.

I'm pulled out of my trance to see Julian staring at me, I stare back for a few seconds before...

Jovani comes out while saying, '' bro is the coast clear''.

Julian clears his throat looking up from our stare saying, '' um yeah we're good dude''.

Jovani notices me and says ''um who's the girl.''

Julian looks at me again as if nothing happened, ''oh, her. I bumped into her and we fell.''

Jovani nods his head and says, ''well the store is empty, I'll go get Cat, Mario, and Jonas, they're in there waiting.''

He runs to the stalls and tells them they can come out now. Jonas came out and saw me and waved, Cat smiled at me, the Mario came out. When Mario came out, he looked at me with surprise, then I guess for pleasure. No one ever takes a second look at me, it was like how Julian stared but it felt different. I liked it. I turned to look at him staring and turned away trying not to smile . They were making small talk and Cat went to shop around. I didn't know what to do or think.

I was about to say something when my phone went off and my mom texted me saying, ''honey, where are you?" I gasp realizing it's been more than an hour and I'm sprinting through the store to meet my mom, when I bump into someone, AGAIN. I get up in a hurry and to help them up when I see it's Cat.

I say ''God I need to stop doing that'' under my breath. She laughed lightly and told me it's okay. I told her I would love to chat but I had to meet my mom. Cat calls out, ''wait! give me your number so we can hang out sometime.'' I gave her my number and she said ''thanks, I'll text you later''.

I was about to respond when Mario came and said ''hey Cat, Jovani said we're going to..'' Then, he stopped when he saw me and just said ''um h-hi.'' I was shocked he talked to me but I managed an ''um hey.'' Cat saw the look in my eyes so she knew I liked him. She just smiled and said ''well I have to go I'll see you later'' in my direction. Cat left and Mario smiled at me. I told him I had to go even though I didn't want to, he said ''bye beautiful.'' I walk out of the store blushing but I'm really glad he didn't see.

Julian's POV :

I didn't know how I felt after that stare, I didn't want Jovani to think I liked her, and she was beautiful, but I saw the way Mario looked at her. I couldn't do that to him

Or can I

#Marinda or #Julinda ?? 😈, I hope you guys enjoyed :)) more coming soon, gotta blast 🚀💓🤘

i don't even know your name ; mario selmanWhere stories live. Discover now